Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What am I waiting for?

So this post actually should have gone up a couple of weeks ago but things have been so crazy that I did not have time to upload my pics until now.

My Mom had been requesting for the past few months that I take some pictures of my Nana, Aunt, Eleni, and herself. She wanted something "nice". A picture where everyone was looking at the camera, dressed nicely etc. Sounds easy right? Nope! Every time we made the trip down to San Diego it was a huge family gathering and everyone was running around cooking and caught up in the moment (neither bad things!). So a couple of weeks ago we had our annual early Christmas celebration at my Aunt's house. The plan was to get there early to get a few group shots together. Well, that afternoon traffic was bad and Eleni decided to take an extra long nap so we were running late. When we finally arrived the sun was just about going down which meant that it was too late for photos. We enjoyed our evening together and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and had a conversation with myself that went something like this...

"ENOUGH, ALREADY! I am tired of waiting for the perfect outfit, the perfect moment to take a picture!"

I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures of everyone (PJs and Bedhead included). At first everyone groaned and resisted but I did not give in. I had a feeling that these would be pictures that I would love and cherish forever. Turns out they are. XOXO

My cousins, the only ones that got to change before I snapped a picture. :)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Belated Christmas!

Things have been extremely busy over the last couple of weeks. We hosted Christmas at our house for my side of the family then woke up the next day packed and drove up north to Ari's family for a belated Christmas dinner. We had plans to stay with them until the middle of this week but Eleni caught her very first cold and cough which made us come home a couple of days early. This is the first chance I have had to post, so that is why this is a few days late. Hope you and your family had an amazing holiday! Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow to post some pictures from the past couple of weeks. I have lots to share. XOXO

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eleni is 8 Months Old!

Happy 8 month birthday baby girl!! We are having so much fun watching you learn and grow everyday. Eleni had a busy week this past week! Guess what?! She learned how to clap! She loves clapping, in fact she loves it so much she claps while she eats and while trying to nap in her crib. LOL. I was watching her on the video monitor while she was supposed to be napping, but no napping for her just clapping! She gets so excited when I start clapping with her! It is so much fun. :)

Eleni is not fully crawling yet but does crawl backwards which I find pretty funny. She will also scoot and pull herself forward in an army crawl. Eleni has also started to try and pull herself up on the side of her crib rail (I guess it is time to lower the mattress!).

I finished all of my Christmas shopping (HOORAY!) and can't wait to give Eleni her first Christmas presents! In the midst of all of the wet weather we were still able to snap a few pics for our Christmas card (Hold tight, they should be arriving within the next few days. Hopefully before Christmas, hehe.)

Here are some "out takes" from our Christmas card pics that I snapped last week. Also a couple of pictures of some of my favorite Holiday decorations. To see more of my favorites take a little trip over to my photo blog. :) XOXO

I swear Eleni is not naked in this next one, the hat is covering her diaper. ;)

Love this next one.

My favorite Christmas book when I was little. Hopefully Eleni will enjoy it too!

Friday, December 11, 2009

34 Weeks Old

Eleni's 8 month birthday is just days away and I can not believe it! I remember last year being pregnant and so excited trying to imagine what our little girl was going to be like. Well, now flash forward a year later and she is here and well on her way to being one year old. I can't believe how fast this past year has gone!

I will be posting updated pics of Eleni within the next few days. Depending on if the weather cooperates tomorrow we might head out with the tri-pod to try and snap a family Christmas photo. Stay tuned for pics, and since a blog post is never as fun without a picture here is a sneak peak of Eleni's Christmas stocking. I LOVE IT!!! :)


Friday, December 4, 2009

33 Weeks Old

These last few weeks have been extra special with Eleni. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but she has such a fun, cute personality now! She is such a happy girl 99% of the time, which makes me heart so very content! Eleni has really become one of my best pals and I can not imagine my life without her. :)

We were once again really busy this past week. Lots of fun activities! Eleni and I went to this very cool place called the Playroom. It is a super fun indoor playground for very young children. Everything was extremely clean (no shoes allowed!) and they had numerous fun things for Eleni to do! She had a blast, I don't think I have ever seen so much fascination/excitement on her face. I had a great time just watching her in action!

Here are some pics from this past week. XOXO

Ari and Eleni came with me to the park this past week to help me at a family photo session I had scheduled. Eleni loved looking at all of the leaves and was a fabulous assistant! ;)

This last one is from a cell phone so the quality is horrible but I had to get a pic of Eleni in the ball pit for the first time. She LOVED it!