Friday, July 23, 2010

Pink Sunglasses

Hi there!! Just a quick update on our sweet little girl! Eleni is doing great starting to repeat more and more words. She is still an early riser (5:45am-6:15am on most days), yeah that kinda stings. She has dropped her afternoon nap for 99% of week. She is running (literally) everywhere. She is a handful but I can't help but fall more and more in love with her active personality. Here are a few updated pics from the past week. Thanks to Uncle Phil and Aunt Shelly for her adorable new pink sunglasses!! XOXO

Testing out one of Mama's new photo shoot props ;)

Sleepy eyes...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Eleni is ALMOST 15 Months Old!

Unfortunately I have been neglecting this blog, it has been difficult for me to keep it up with our busy schedules. I really am going to try to update it more frequently so please keep checking back. Life is absolutely amazing but busy! It seems that every weekend is jam packed with activities leaving little time to re cooperate. This past weekend we were lucky enough to have nothing planned so we decided to take Eleni to the beach for the first time! To say that she loved it would be an understatement. ;) She loved throwing the sand everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE! She was completely covered in it by the time we left. She also loved the water, I wasn't sure she was going to since that water was pretty chilly. Eleni did not mind the freezing water at all, she screeched in excitement every time a wave would come to shore! Definitely an amazing thing to see!

It really is wonderful to see how much she has changed over the last month or two. She is starting to say more words too, some of her favorites include: bye-bye, night-night, and HI. :)

Here are a couple of photos from our beach day, you can see more photos from that day on my PHOTO BLOG. XOXO