Tuesday, January 27, 2009

28 Weeks

So this past weekend Ari's Dad came down from SF to help us get started on Eleni's nursery. Thank you ANDY!!! :) He was such a good supervisor giving Ari tips on how to install new closet doors, patch all the cracks on the walls, and prime for paint. He is making the long drive down again this weekend to supervise the paint and the new moldings that Ari will install--we are so thankful and lucky to have him!! :)

We also wanted to thank Andy and Carol for all of the ADORABLE presents--Eleni loves them! Not mention the wonderful surprise that they bought us her Orbit stroller travel system and her Munire crib and combo dresser/changer. Eleni is so lucky to have such wonderful Grandparents!

The last couple of days I have not been feeling very well. My stomach has been acting crazy and those little kicks that were once cute have turned into flips and big jabs making me very uncomfortable. Oh well, Eleni is worth it!! Here are some pictures from week 28 and the new closet doors. :)

Mommy holding her baby girl.

Sorry for the shadow but you get the idea.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

27 Weeks

Well not too much to report this week. I passed my 1 hour glucose test--HOORAY no GD for this Mama!! We cleared out the nursery so it is now ready for patching and paint. Ari's Dad is coming down this weekend to help get the nursery ready--I am so thankful and excited!! I can't wait to see it finished and ready for Eleni!!

Here are some pictures from week 27...

Nursery Before Pics

The growing belly :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

26 Weeks

We are in the double digits now...Baby Eleni will be here in 92 days!! Tomorrow marks the first day of my 3rd Trimester, I can't believe how fast time is moving. She will be here before we know it!!

This past weekend we drove down to San Diego to pick up our crib, dresser, and stroller. Indi and Ralphie seem to have a fear of tall moving things like brooms and vacuums (Ha!!), so we are trying to get the dogs ok with the stroller. We have been pushing it around the house and leaving it set up in the living room. So far, so good!

Here are some pics from week 26 and our new stroller.

We tried to get Indi to sit still but no such luck!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

25 Weeks...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Happy New Year!!! 2009 is going to be the most amazing year yet! Why you ask? Well because it is the year that will forever change our lives, it is the year that our little girl joins our family. We are beyond excited!!! I can not believe how soon she will be here.

Week 25 was productive for us--we picked out the nursery furniture and decided on our stroller. My belly is growing fast and our little Eleni is kicking and moving non stop. Oooooooh yes! I almost forgot to announce our sweet baby's name! Her name is...

Eleni Eva!!!

We think it is the perfect name for her and she already told us that she loves it too!! ;)

Here are some pictures from New Years Eve and week 25. We hope you all had a very happy and funfilled holiday season!!

Ari baking some of his YUMMY bread from scratch!!

An Apple Cider toast!!