Tuesday, January 27, 2009

28 Weeks

So this past weekend Ari's Dad came down from SF to help us get started on Eleni's nursery. Thank you ANDY!!! :) He was such a good supervisor giving Ari tips on how to install new closet doors, patch all the cracks on the walls, and prime for paint. He is making the long drive down again this weekend to supervise the paint and the new moldings that Ari will install--we are so thankful and lucky to have him!! :)

We also wanted to thank Andy and Carol for all of the ADORABLE presents--Eleni loves them! Not mention the wonderful surprise that they bought us her Orbit stroller travel system and her Munire crib and combo dresser/changer. Eleni is so lucky to have such wonderful Grandparents!

The last couple of days I have not been feeling very well. My stomach has been acting crazy and those little kicks that were once cute have turned into flips and big jabs making me very uncomfortable. Oh well, Eleni is worth it!! Here are some pictures from week 28 and the new closet doors. :)

Mommy holding her baby girl.

Sorry for the shadow but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Trieste said...

Oh my . . . everything is growing! ;)