Friday, November 13, 2009

30 Weeks Old

I still can not get used to this time change it is sucking the life out of me, I feel sleepy all of the time! Anyhow on to more important things...

Eleni is doing great, still moving all over the place. She does not stay still. Her favorite things currently are the TV remote and my cell phone. She is a woman obsessed! ;) She is trying with all her might to crawl! If I put my cell phone across from her out of her reach she scoots and scoots and moves her legs but does not go anywhere. Then she gets very upset that she can't move and just rolls over. It is pretty amusing to watch. Eleni's second tooth has popped through. Her little toothy (is that a word?) smile melts my heart.

We went out today to the park and walked around, the weather was perfect! It put Mommy in a great mood, Eleni seemed to enjoy herself as well. Here are some pictures from this past week and today at the park. Happy Friday!! XOXO

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This next one cracks me up! :)

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Meet Eleni's super soft poodle friend. She loves it, she gets so excited when I bring it out to play with.

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This next picture I am posting because I love these PJs and never want to forget them. Second reason, because you can see both of her bottom teeth!

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Park pictures...

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