Friday, November 5, 2010

Trick Or Treat

Eleni was a lion for Halloween this year. She HATED wearing the costume. In fact she threw a fit so we had to take it off before we went trick or treating. We got a special treat though she started saying trick or treat and now she does not stop! She knocks on walls and doors and then says "trick or treat" or at least as close as she can get to it. It MELTS our hearts!! I was actually able to capture it on video this morning.

Here is the short video, turn up your speakers. She says it at the very beginning of the video and at the end. :)

Also, some pics of our trip to the pumpkin patch with Ari's parents and in her lion costume...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


It's official I have neglected this blog for the past few months and this is my formal apology to all of our family and friends who keep checking back to find no new updates. Things got too busy and I could not keep up. I have been poked more than a few times as a reminder that this blog needed updating and BAD! So here it is, finally months later a new post!! WOOT! I really hope I can stay on top of it, I promise to try my best.

Eleni is a different person since the last post! She has reached the terrible twos at 18 months of age! Constant whining, full on meltdowns happen multiple times a day, and not to mention the throwing of objects to protest her displeasure. It's not all bad though if we just ignore her it seems to calm her down faster and before we know it she is back to her usual loving and happy self. I would say that she definitely has a spunky personality, she is very interested in everything going on around her, she loves to run, and climb. She loves to play pretend with her dolls by feeding them with a spoon, offering them water from her sippy cup, covering them with her blanket, and giving them kisses. SO SWEET! Her favorite words consist of Hi, Bye Bye, Night Night, doggie, koo-ee (as in Cookie Monster), Daddy, and finally this week Mama (hooray!). I just got her off the bottle (although she constantly whines for it) and stands around the kitchen saying "baba" over and over again.

Life has been good and we often fall asleep at night talking about how we LOVE our busy but amazing life together. Oh and today is my "I am officially old" birthday. I have not been too thrilled about this birthday but I have decided to embrace it and be thankful for all my blessings. Here are some pics from the past couple of weeks. XOXO

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pink Sunglasses

Hi there!! Just a quick update on our sweet little girl! Eleni is doing great starting to repeat more and more words. She is still an early riser (5:45am-6:15am on most days), yeah that kinda stings. She has dropped her afternoon nap for 99% of week. She is running (literally) everywhere. She is a handful but I can't help but fall more and more in love with her active personality. Here are a few updated pics from the past week. Thanks to Uncle Phil and Aunt Shelly for her adorable new pink sunglasses!! XOXO

Testing out one of Mama's new photo shoot props ;)

Sleepy eyes...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Eleni is ALMOST 15 Months Old!

Unfortunately I have been neglecting this blog, it has been difficult for me to keep it up with our busy schedules. I really am going to try to update it more frequently so please keep checking back. Life is absolutely amazing but busy! It seems that every weekend is jam packed with activities leaving little time to re cooperate. This past weekend we were lucky enough to have nothing planned so we decided to take Eleni to the beach for the first time! To say that she loved it would be an understatement. ;) She loved throwing the sand everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE! She was completely covered in it by the time we left. She also loved the water, I wasn't sure she was going to since that water was pretty chilly. Eleni did not mind the freezing water at all, she screeched in excitement every time a wave would come to shore! Definitely an amazing thing to see!

It really is wonderful to see how much she has changed over the last month or two. She is starting to say more words too, some of her favorites include: bye-bye, night-night, and HI. :)

Here are a couple of photos from our beach day, you can see more photos from that day on my PHOTO BLOG. XOXO

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Turks and Caicos 2010

We spent last week in beautiful Turks and Caicos. It was a much needed vacation for Ari and I. We spent our days eating, drinking yummy cocktails, snoozing on the beach, and relaxing. It was perfect! While we did have the most amazing time we missed Eleni terribly!

Here are some photos of the trip. You can see more photos on my photo blog HERE.

Our AMAZING resort, we can not say enough good things about this place!!

Pool? Nope! Bath tub? Nope! Ocean? YES!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Can't Catch Up!!

Sorry, a new post has been long overdue. I actually have 2 other posts hidden in my back pocket just waiting for me to have the time to edit the photos and post them. So more photos coming soon!

This past weekend we went up north to meet our new baby niece Sophie and spend some time with Ari's parents. Ohhhh and before I forget, Eleni had a first this weekend! She said "Hiiiiiii Dad". Hehe it was so cute!

Here are some photos from our trip up north. XOXO

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom and all the other Mommies out there reading this! I feel so blessed to be a Mommy to such a wonderful, sweet, smart, beautiful little girl. She makes everyday so special and my heart so filled with love.

Happy Mother's Day!!! XOXO

Proof that my baby girl FINALLY has some hair coming in! ;)