Monday, February 9, 2009

30 Weeks!!

This weekend my Auntie and Nana came up from San Diego and put the border up in Eleni's room. It looks SUPER cute--I am in in love!!! Thank you Auntie!! My Nana was lucky enough to get to feel Eleni kick and move around--this is pretty exciting because Eleni seems to get stage fright anytime I try to let other people feel her besides Ari and I. So this is a pretty big deal that she let Nana feel her. It made me so happy to see the smile it brought to my Nana's face!! :)

This weekend we also went to Home Depot and ordered new carpet for all of our bedrooms. I am so excited, everything is finally coming together!! As soon as the carpeting is installed we will be able to set up the crib and dresser. I can't wait!!! On Sunday we had our first Child Birth Class which was fun and pretty hilarious in parts. :)

Not much else to report this week. Here are some pictures of the border and the ever growing belly....

Sorry the pictures below are not the greatest. I will take more this weekend once we have better natural light. The room is pink and not orange in case you were wondering. :)

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