Wednesday, March 25, 2009

37 Weeks...FULL TERM!!!

Today I am 37 Weeks and considered full term!!! WE MADE IT!!! We had a doctor appointment last Friday where we had our final growth ultrasound. Eleni is measuring right on track and the doctor estimated her weight at around 5 lbs give or take 1 pound up or down. Everything looks perfect! She also mentioned that Eleni is now "fully cooked" in her words and also reminded us that she can make her appearance at any time!! SUCH GREAT NEWS!!!

The nursery is finally complete and our bags are packed for the hospital! :) We are feeling good just VERY nervous! I hate not knowing when she is coming and with every pain and weird feeling I find myself asking "COULD THIS BE IT??!". We are beyond excited to meet our baby girl and can't wait to see her adorable face!

Here are some pictures from this past week and the completed nursery.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

36 Weeks...

I am 36 weeks today, only one more week and I will be considered full term. She is coming!!!! Ari and I can not believe that in just a couple of weeks she could be here. It is so hard to imagine.

I started working from home this week and it has been AMAZING!! The weather has been so beautiful here, just like summer! Yesterday I decided to sit outside with my laptop while enjoying the sun for just a few minutes. While I sat there taking in the warm rays, I could not help but picture our sweet baby girl this summer wearing the little swimsuit we have waiting for her! Most likely it will be too warm for her outside but be sure there will be a photo session of her showing off that cute suit on the couch with her beach hat! ;)

Last weekend my Mom came up and we finished washing her clothes, organizing her closet, and organizing her dresser/changer. Ari just needs to hang the blinds in her room, hang some shelves, and put together a side table.

I can't imagine making it to 40 weeks, so we will just have to wait and see! I already feel like I am ready to pop! The last couple of days I have noticed that she feels huge and this makes sleeping near impossible. I just wish she was here and we were enjoying her company in the outside world! :)

Here are some pictures from last week, WEEK 35!!

Look who just had to be in the picture...

My new obsession...BABY SOCKS--TOO CUTE!!

Eleni's first swimsuit!

All of her super soft stuffed animals

This is the bouncer that Auntie Christina bought for Eleni. I put it together all on my own with a screwdriver. Yes ladies and gents, I said a screwdriver! Who knew I was so handy?! ;)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

35 Weeks down and 35 Days To Go!!!

Well today is considered sort of a milestone in pregnancy--the big "35 and 35"!! I have completed 35 weeks and have just 35 days to go! So exciting! Today was a great day, my work surprised me with a baby shower. It was so sweet--yummy cake, adorable pink decorations, lots of cute little gifts, and they bought us our Pack n Play and highchair. WOW--so thoughtful!! Starting this Monday I will be working from home for the next 2 weeks then I will officially be on Maternity Leave. HOORAY!!!!!

This past weekend my Mom came up and helped me wash and organize some of Eleni's clothes (we still have some more washing to do). Ari finished setting up her closet. We also went to Babies r Us and bought most of the little things we were still missing. I think we have almost everything we need, now it is just a matter of organizing it all.

My to do list for this weekend consists of:
Wash the remainder of her clothes
Organize her closet
Organize her dresser/changer
Pack our hospital bag
Install her car seat
Put together her bouncer and pack n play

If we can get all of that done this weekend I think we should pretty much be set to go!!! Here are some pictures from the previous week, week 34.

Monday, March 2, 2009


So this Wednesday I will be 34 weeks! In just 3 weeks I will be considered full term and our sweet little Eleni could appear at anytime. WOW!

This past weekend we had our baby shower. It was BEAUTIFUL--a HUGE thank you from the bottom of my heart to my Mom and Auntie. They went above and beyond, all of the details were SOOOO CUTE and the food VERY YUMMY!! Eleni is already one spoiled and lucky girl--she has so many people that love her and can not wait to meet her! Ari and I feel EXTREMELY blessed. :) Eleni received some very special gifts at the shower. First was the bassinet that has been passed down in my family for years, all redone and BEAUTIFUL! My brother slept in it, I slept in it, numerous cousins, family friends, and now it is Eleni's turn! Second was my baby blanket that was cleaned and re-vamped to look like new with new lace and ribbon trim. SO AMAZING!!!

On Sunday, Ari and Papou Andy (Papou means Grandpa in Greek) picked up the glider/recliner chair for the nursery. Ari and Mike brought in our dresser/changer and after a few tries moving things around we finally have almost every thing set up in the nursery! Now all that we have left are just a few finishing touches to set up. IT LOOKS BEAUTIFUL--exactly how I pictured my dream nursery for a little girl. I hope Eleni likes it!

I finally feel a little more relaxed and at ease. I am overwhelmed with happiness and excitement for what is in store for us just around the corner. I am hoping that I can really enjoy the next few weeks before she makes her debut. Here are some pictures from week 33, the baby shower, and room updates. Get comfortable everyone, there are quite a few pictures!!



Christina took this very cool picture of my shoes--needless to say I had my flip flops on soon after!