Wednesday, March 25, 2009

37 Weeks...FULL TERM!!!

Today I am 37 Weeks and considered full term!!! WE MADE IT!!! We had a doctor appointment last Friday where we had our final growth ultrasound. Eleni is measuring right on track and the doctor estimated her weight at around 5 lbs give or take 1 pound up or down. Everything looks perfect! She also mentioned that Eleni is now "fully cooked" in her words and also reminded us that she can make her appearance at any time!! SUCH GREAT NEWS!!!

The nursery is finally complete and our bags are packed for the hospital! :) We are feeling good just VERY nervous! I hate not knowing when she is coming and with every pain and weird feeling I find myself asking "COULD THIS BE IT??!". We are beyond excited to meet our baby girl and can't wait to see her adorable face!

Here are some pictures from this past week and the completed nursery.

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