Saturday, May 30, 2009

6 Weeks Old

Well I am one day late on this post. What can I say? Taking care of our sweet baby girl has made me exhausted and I just could not move myself off the couch to grab the lap top! Eleni has changed so much in just this last week! She is so much more alert, a handful of her newborn clothes are too small for her, she is smiling more, and sleeping for longer time periods at night (THANK GOODNESS). It is so amazing to see what a difference one week has made in her development. We are falling more and more in love with her every day. She is so adorable--she makes the cutest little noises (Mommy calls them piggy noises) and funny facial expressions. :) We can't get enough of her!! XOXO

Friday, May 22, 2009

5 Weeks Old!!

Our BEAUTIFUL baby girl is 5 weeks old today. She is very alert and following us with her eyes everywhere we go! She loves it when I sing to her, it almost always makes her relax and stop crying. We met with her pediatrician on Tuesday and she is gaining weight and growing perfectly. She is now 8.5 lbs, awwww my little piggy LOVES her milk!! We have started tummy time and it is so cute to see her laying on her belly and trying to lift her head. She melts my heart!! Not much else to report, we had a great time in Huntington Beach. Unfortunately, I did not take many pictures. It is hard to take pictures when you are always feeding or holding a baby!;)

Here are a couple of pictures from this past week. We hope everyone has a great 3 day weekend!!! XOXO

Monday, May 18, 2009

SMILE Eleni you are 1 month old!!!

Yesterday was Eleni's 1 month birthday! I can't believe how quick the last few weeks have gone by. It is amazing how much she changes from one day to the next and how she is learning so much already. Just in the last day or so I have noticed that she has started to play with her hands and make cute little noises to entertain herself. It is adorable!!

Today Eleni and I had a great day. While I was singing silly songs to her she started to giggle and smile the most beautiful big smiles back at me!! It was AMAZING! I got some great pictures that I will treasure ALWAYS!! I love you baby girl thank you for being my sunshine!!! XOXO

Friday, May 15, 2009

4 Weeks Old Today!!

How has it been almost a month already since we welcomed our precious little girl into our lives?! Time is flying by and Eleni is growing and changing everyday.

This last week has been my first week home alone with Eleni. It has been tough! I am extremely tired and by the time Ari gets home from work I am sooooo excited to see him! HeHe! This weekend we are headed to Huntington Beach--it will be Eleni's first little vacation. Nana B has so graciously volunteered to watch Eleni so Mommy and Daddy can have a night out on the town. WOO HOO!! How EXCITING!! Stay tuned for pictures from our weekend in Orange County...

Here are some pictures from this past week. Happy Friday!! XOXO

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Today is my first Mother's Day as a Mom--WOW what a crazy and amazing feeling. I had no idea how tough and what hard work it is being Mom. I have realized over the last few weeks more than ever how blessed I have been to have such a fabulous Mother. So I dedicate this post to her...My Mommy!! She is AMAZING! There is no possible way that we could have gotten through the last 3 weeks without her here. She has been a godsend--taking care of us, doing laundry non stop, making sure that we have been well fed (FOR EVERY MEAL!), staying up late and getting up early just so I could get a couple hours of much needed sleep. She is the strongest woman I know and I can only hope that I will be half the amazing mommy that she has been to me. Eleni told me today that she is SO THANKFUL to have such a WONDERFUL NANA B!!! I LOVE YOU MOMMY with all of my heart!! XOXO

Friday, May 8, 2009

3 Weeks Old

Happy Friday!! Today Eleni is 3 weeks old. She is beautiful and getting bigger every day. It is so interesting to watch her change day to day. It seems that everyday she looks a little different from the day before. For the past couple of nights she has been falling asleep around 12:00 and sleeping until 3:00 then she will wake up again at around 5:00. We are all very tired and eagerly awaiting the time when she will sleep for longer stretches. She LOVES to eat and her cheeks are getting chubbier by the second. Mommy loves those cheeks!! I can't get enough!! We have noticed that she LOVES to sleep with her feet crossed and one arm up by her face--too funny! Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Here are some pictures from this past week. XOXO

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Going on Zero sleep!! Mommy is so tired! I must admit that last night was an amazing first, Eleni slept for 3 hours in a row. THANK HEAVENS! How long until babies sleep through the night? Anyone? Anyone? What? We still have a couple months to go? How am I going to do this?! Okay vent over, here is a VERY cute picture I caught today of our sweet baby girl hanging out in her bouncer. Apologies for the bad picture quality, it was taken with my cell phone. XOXO

Friday, May 1, 2009

Week TWO...

Eleni is 2 weeks old today. This last week has been wonderful getting to know our little girl! Ari decided to take another week off work to spend more time with our newest family member--it has been so nice to have him home! We have just been trying to adjust to no sleep and learn how to keep our little girl happy. The nights have been rough but hopefully once we get more of a schedule established things will improve.

We have noticed that with every passing day Eleni gets more and more alert. It is so sweet to see her smile and make funny faces even if it is only gas--hehe! We love to watch her when she is awake. She loves to look around and follow our voices. She does not like getting changed, she screams and screams. We have noticed that she does seem to calm down a little when we sing silly made up songs to her.

We had no idea how much having Eleni would change our day to day lives. It has been a HUGE adjustment and it is exhausting! Although we are completely pooped we feel so lucky to have her and are so excited to watch her grow. Here are some pictures from Eleni's second week home. XOXO