Friday, May 1, 2009

Week TWO...

Eleni is 2 weeks old today. This last week has been wonderful getting to know our little girl! Ari decided to take another week off work to spend more time with our newest family member--it has been so nice to have him home! We have just been trying to adjust to no sleep and learn how to keep our little girl happy. The nights have been rough but hopefully once we get more of a schedule established things will improve.

We have noticed that with every passing day Eleni gets more and more alert. It is so sweet to see her smile and make funny faces even if it is only gas--hehe! We love to watch her when she is awake. She loves to look around and follow our voices. She does not like getting changed, she screams and screams. We have noticed that she does seem to calm down a little when we sing silly made up songs to her.

We had no idea how much having Eleni would change our day to day lives. It has been a HUGE adjustment and it is exhausting! Although we are completely pooped we feel so lucky to have her and are so excited to watch her grow. Here are some pictures from Eleni's second week home. XOXO

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