Sunday, June 7, 2009

7 Weeks Old

Well I am late on my posting again--only this time 2 days late. Oooopsy!! Eleni is 7 weeks old and has changed so much from just last week. She is laughing, cooing, batting at objects in front of her, and getting chubbier by the second!! Also, our poor baby girl is suffering from Male Pattern Baldness--LOL! She was not born with a ton of hair but now everyday I wake up to find another spot on her head is hairless. Eleni confided in me that she is counting the days until her hair returns and to please pick out cute bows and headbands for her to wear so she wont be mistaken for a boy! ;)

Her sleep cycles are still very inconsistent. Just when I think she might be doing better and sleeping for a few hours at a time we have another bad night. When I say bad night, I mean BAD night. She will wake up every 30 minutes and refuse to go down in her bed...siiiiigggghhhhh. Oh well, what can I expect she is still only 7 weeks old.

This past week I found the most amazing invention ever, the MOBY WRAP. I am hopeful that this will change my life for the next few months. When I first bought the wrap and opened the packaging I was disappointed to see that it was just an extrememly long piece of material that I had to somehow figure out how to wrap around myself so it safely holds a baby. The poor Moby Wrap sat on a chair in my kitchen for over a week. Well yesterday I was beyond exhausted and fed up with being bound to my couch. I picked up the wrap and FINALLY figured out how to wrap Eleni correctly. Well ladies in gentleman....SHE LOVES IT!! She falls asleep almost instantly and I have my hands absolute miracle!! Yesterday I was able to bake a pie while Eleni slept soundly and safely against my torso. SO GREAT!! Anyhow, enough of my rambling, here are some pictures from this past week. Happy Sunday!!! XOXO

This is the outfit Eleni wore home from the hospital. I think it might be getting too small!:(

Eleni is still not too sure about her play mat...

1 comment:

Christina Dely said...

What a cutie! Are her eyes staying hazel? How long before you know they will not change? Hoooooray for the wrap!!!! That is great news :)