Friday, September 25, 2009

23 Weeks Old

Well, we made it! We are up in San Fran. Eleni did surprisingly well on the car ride here, only a couple moments of fussiness! I was soooo impressed with her great attitude.;)Special thanks to my parents who are staying at our house and taking care of Indi and Ralphie!

Not much else to report, Eleni is trying very hard to crawl. I think it will just be a matter of a couple of weeks before she will be able to all on her own. She has already had a couple of successful scoots across her crib!

We are so happy to be here visiting with Ari's parents! Eleni will be meeting some of Ari's extended for the first time. Eleni told me she is very excited and can not wait for all of the fun festivities this weekend!

We hope everyone is having a VERY happy Friday! XOXO

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Friday, September 18, 2009

22 Weeks Old

Not much else to report on the Eleni front since yesterday's 5 Month update post. Last night was another rough one, Mommy is a walking zombie today. ;) This weekend is my 10 year highschool reunion, so we will be heading down to Orange County for Saturday and Sunday. Next weekend we are going on a little trip up north to visit Ari's family. This coming week will include lots of packing a preparing for a 7+ hour car ride with a 5 month old--should be interesting!

Last week I went shopping and bought some fabric for a backdrop and some fuzzy cute material. I have been wanting to try them out so Eleni and I had a fun little photo shoot. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from that day. HAPPY FRIDAY!!! XOXO

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

5 Months Old

I have noticed a trend lately, when I get Eleni dressed and something is fitting her rather snug or too tight I look at the size on the tag and see 3 months. There is a few seconds that pass in my brain where I am puzzled as to why it does not fit her anymore. For some reason I am really stuck on her being 3 months old! I then quickly remember that she is not 3 or 4 months old but 5! Wow, almost half a year old! How did that happen so quickly?! It makes me really take a step back and look at her and enjoy every moment with her at this young precious age! Yesterday Eleni pulled herself up to a sitting position from laying down on the couch all on her own. Her head was propped up with a little pillow but still very impressive!! Her sleep pattern is still very inconsistent from what it used to be. I am soooooo tired and ready for this sleep stage to be over! The last two nights she has broke out of her swaddle blanket and rolled over on her tummy to sleep. This makes me more than nervous! Oh well, what can you do?! I just need to learn to relax a little and not worry so much, so far this idea is not working so well. Happy 5 months baby girl! Love you!!! XOXO

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Friday, September 11, 2009

21 Weeks...Sittin' Pretty

It has been really busy around here to say the least! Our dear friends Christina and Mike are getting married in just a few short weeks so we have had pre-wedding festivities the last two weekends keeping our schedules full. I spent this past weekend in Vegas and Ari took care of Eleni all on his own! He did an amazing job! Daddy and Eleni went to the mall, grocery store, and Blockbuster. PHHHHHEWWWW that must have been exhausting! I was so excited to see Eleni and Ari when I got home on Monday. That was the longest I have been separated from her, my heart was bursting with happiness when I saw her sweet face. :)

Eleni has been such a wiggle worm this past week. She is rolling all over the place! When I put her on her play mat she will now completely roll off of it leaving her on the wood floors (NOT OK!). I guess it is time to buy a huge rug for our family room! She is trying very hard to scoot while on her belly and she seems to get frustrated that she can't get her body to move the way she wants it to. Eleni has a new obsession with Mommy's cell phone. She is mesmerized and squeals (LOUDLY) until I let her touch it--too funny! Eleni can also sit on her own for a few seconds at a time. I can not tell you how excited I am about this milestone! Once she can sit on her own it will produce MANY MANY more interesting photo opportunities for me--hehe! I actually managed to snap a few pictures of her first time sitting on her own before she toppled over (see below).

Happy Friday!! XOXO

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

20 Weeks Old...Tomorrow!!!

Eleni will be 20 weeks old tomorrow. The weeks are flying by and Eleni is becoming such a cutie pie! Yep folks, I said CUTIE PIE. ;) This week Eleni rolled completely over from her back to her stomach all on her own! I put her in her crib on her back and stepped out of the room for a second and when I came back in she was on her stomach. I was pretty impressed as I had not seen her attempt this before! Now while playing on her play mat she will roll back to front. It also looks like she might even be trying to scoot while on her belly! Eleni is now LOVING her sweet potatoes and carrots. She opens her mouth wide when she sees the spoon coming. She will also smack and lick her lips if I am eating right in front of her, it is too funny!

Mommy is heading out of town until Monday and Daddy will be holding down the fort all on his own! AGGGGGHHHHHHH! Just kidding (well kinda). Stay tuned for a blog post about his adventures taking care of Eleni all on his own.

Here are some pics that I took from this past week. There are even a couple of the pups with their snazzy new haircuts! Hope everyone has a great LONG weekend!!! XOXO

Nana B could not resist getting Eleni her first pair of sunglasses! ;)

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