Thursday, September 3, 2009

20 Weeks Old...Tomorrow!!!

Eleni will be 20 weeks old tomorrow. The weeks are flying by and Eleni is becoming such a cutie pie! Yep folks, I said CUTIE PIE. ;) This week Eleni rolled completely over from her back to her stomach all on her own! I put her in her crib on her back and stepped out of the room for a second and when I came back in she was on her stomach. I was pretty impressed as I had not seen her attempt this before! Now while playing on her play mat she will roll back to front. It also looks like she might even be trying to scoot while on her belly! Eleni is now LOVING her sweet potatoes and carrots. She opens her mouth wide when she sees the spoon coming. She will also smack and lick her lips if I am eating right in front of her, it is too funny!

Mommy is heading out of town until Monday and Daddy will be holding down the fort all on his own! AGGGGGHHHHHHH! Just kidding (well kinda). Stay tuned for a blog post about his adventures taking care of Eleni all on his own.

Here are some pics that I took from this past week. There are even a couple of the pups with their snazzy new haircuts! Hope everyone has a great LONG weekend!!! XOXO

Nana B could not resist getting Eleni her first pair of sunglasses! ;)

08-29-2009_20 Weeks 248

08-29-2009_20 Weeks 047

08-29-2009_20 Weeks 028

08-29-2009_20 Weeks 159

08-29-2009_20 Weeks 197

08-29-2009_20 Weeks 153

1 comment:

Trieste said...

Oh my goodness her little features are getting so developed and defined. I see Marisa's eyebrows for sure! Lucky girl!

How crazy is it that my word verification is marme . . . MAr & me! Miss you doll!