Tuesday, November 25, 2008

19 Weeks...Happy Thanksgiving!!!

So this Thursday is Thanksgiving and it is the first year that Ari and I are having it at our house. We are very excited!! Ari's parents are coming down from San Francisco and my parents are coming over. It should be a good time with hopefully lots of good food--fingers crossed! ;)

Tomorrow I will be 5 months, the official half way mark! I can't believe we are half way there! WE MADE IT!!! Next week we have our Big Ultrasound to check that everything on our little girl has developed properly. We are so excited that we get to see her again! :)

I am thrilled right now because we have a long 5 day weekend ahead of us--HOORAY! Lots of sleeping in and relaxing. As I sit here and type this I am watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on TV--LOVE IT!!! Well I guess that is it for now here are some pics from week 19. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

And look at these super cute Snake Skin Uggs my wonderful hubby bought for me!!! (Don't worry they aren't real snake skin ;))

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

18 Weeks and Our Furry Babies

So here are some pictures from week 18. I have been really tired the last couple of weeks and I can't believe we still have another 4.5 months to go! We are getting really excited and I can not wait until our little girl starts to give me some strong kicks so Ari can feel her move too!

In other news, Indi and Ralphie got groomed this past weekend and they look BEAUTIFUL! They are so soft and I could not resist but take a couple of shots of our gorgeous Furry BABIES!! :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

17 Weeks

I just got home a few hours ago from a couple of days in Palm Springs. Sounds fabulous right? Not so much!! Well it was not terrible but it was for work so there was lots of waking up early and listening to long lectures all day. A HUGE plus of the trip was getting to spend time with Holly who now lives WAY too far away in TX. I already miss her so much and am counting the days until spring time when hopefully she will be back to visit! Anyhow, I am super tired from the lack of sleep and long car rides (which were made much more tolerable thanks to my lovely ladies Christina and Jane).

I am SO SO SO happy to be home with Ari and the puppies!! We are sitting here together cuddled up and catching up on our TIVO. So now for some baby updates...I have started to feel our Baby Girl move! It is the coolest feeling EVER! It started as a fluttery feeling and now it feels like little pokes from the inside. I love feeling her move--it is the most comforting feeling knowing that she is alive and well in my belly. Sorry if this post was a bit of a ramble. Here are some pictures from week 17. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

16 Weeks...

AGHHHHHHHHHHHH! Well tomorrow I will be 17 weeks--I just looked at my most recently uploaded belly pictures that will follow this post and realized something HUGE.....I AM PREGNANT!!!! LOL! Up until now you really could not tell but these pictures do not lie. I am so excited to have our little girl growing inside of me we already LOVE her so much. Here are some pictures from week 16. :)

Sorry for the icky pic below it had been a rough week at work PLUS no sleep...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!

Well it's official we are having a little girl!!! We are SO EXCITED!!!! Yesterday, we went to have a 4-D Ultrasound done to see if she was in fact a SHE. We were able to see our baby girl squirm all over the place for over 30 mins--SO COOL! After the ultrasound we decided to walk around The Americana in Glendale. It was a typical fall day which was perfect because we have been so tired of 90+ degree days in October! We even welcomed the surprise rain that began to fall as we strolled from store to store. :)

If I decide to get out of my PJs today I will take a new belly picture and post it later tonight. If not, I will be sure to post one tomorrow.

Here are some pictures from yesterday.

Nothing between the legs...

It's a BABY GIRL!!!!

Our little girl rubbing her eyes--SO CUTE!!!