Tuesday, November 25, 2008

19 Weeks...Happy Thanksgiving!!!

So this Thursday is Thanksgiving and it is the first year that Ari and I are having it at our house. We are very excited!! Ari's parents are coming down from San Francisco and my parents are coming over. It should be a good time with hopefully lots of good food--fingers crossed! ;)

Tomorrow I will be 5 months, the official half way mark! I can't believe we are half way there! WE MADE IT!!! Next week we have our Big Ultrasound to check that everything on our little girl has developed properly. We are so excited that we get to see her again! :)

I am thrilled right now because we have a long 5 day weekend ahead of us--HOORAY! Lots of sleeping in and relaxing. As I sit here and type this I am watching A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on TV--LOVE IT!!! Well I guess that is it for now here are some pics from week 19. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

And look at these super cute Snake Skin Uggs my wonderful hubby bought for me!!! (Don't worry they aren't real snake skin ;))


Christina Dely said...

So stylish Mama T!

Trieste said...

wow sexy mama!!!! when can I see you??? I miss you!