Friday, April 24, 2009

Eleni Is One Week Old Today!!

WOW I can't believe how fast this last week has gone by. Last week at this time we had just met our baby girl and now she has been home with us for one week! Of course we had to celebrate her One Week Birthday with a cake. Happy One Week Birthday Eleni!!! XOXO

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of days.

Eleni meeting her Great Auntie and Great Nana for the first time!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She's HERE!!!

After 15 hours of labor and 3 hours of pushing our little girl made her arrival into the world on April 17th at 7:00pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs 2 oz and is 19.5 inches long. She is beyond beautiful and perfectly healthy!!! We are so in love with her and can not stop giving her kisses!! Meeting our little girl has been the most amazing experience and we already can't imagine our lives without her in it. We feel so blessed and are very thankful for our sweet Eleni. Here are a few pictures from her birth and the last couple of days at home. I will be updating the blog more frequently with pictures of our little one--check back often. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Eleni's Due Date

Well today is Eleni's due date and we are still here waiting for her to make her appearance! I really did not think she would be late. I guess she wants to keep us all on our toes! :)

We had our 40 Week doctor appointment today and sadly no new progress from last week--I am still stuck at 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. What a bummer!! We thought for sure there would be at least a little change but no such luck. Along with an internal exam the doctor did an ultrasound to check the fluid levels around Eleni which looked great. Also she hooked us up to a fetal monitor to watch Eleni's heart rate and my contractions for 25 mins. Everything with this test looked perfect too. Although I have only felt a couple contractions the monitor did show that I am having contractions they are just very very little ones.

So after all of these tests the Doctor came in and we discussed a possible induction date. Ari and I were originally hoping for this Friday as an induction date. The Doctor then explained to us that since my body has only shown very little progress it would be best to wait a few more days to see if I can progress on my own then if needed we will induce. She explained that if we were to induce now that most likely I would have a VERY long labor followed by a probable C-Section. Of course if possible I would like to avoid major abdominal surgery so a few more days we will have to wait! We have another Doctor appointment set for Monday morning (if Eleni decides to not come on her own) and then an induction scheduled for Tuesday, 4/21 starting at 2:00am. At least we now have an end date to look forward to!! We can not wait to meet you baby girl!!!! Just a few more days, we know you will be worth the long wait!!! XOXO

Friday, April 10, 2009

Quick Update!!

Today we had our 39 week doctor appointment where we had our first internal check. I am currently 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced. For those that are not familiar with this topic I need to be 10 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced before Eleni will make her appearance. The doctor said the good news is that I am making progress and have yet to feel any painful contractions! If Eleni decides not to come in the next few days we go back to the doctor on Wednesday (our due date). At this appointment they will check for more progress and depending on the results we will discuss an induction. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

39 Weeks....

It is week 39 and yup we are still here without our outside baby! BOOOOOO! Come on Eleni! Ari and I were talking last night and we were saying that it feels like it has been Christmas Eve every night for the past week. Unfortunately we wake up everyday and it is NOT Christmas. Oh well, I guess she is not quite ready to make her appearance yet. We are waiting for you baby girl. Pretty please with honey and sugar on top (as my Mommy would say)--PLEASE COME SOON. We can not wait to meet you and pray that once you are here you are 100% healthy and happy!! We have a doctor appointment this Friday and she will check for any progress. I will report back on Friday...

Sorry no face in the pictures from this week. 39 Weeks = Exhausted, Uncomfortable, and VERY UN-PRETTY!! ;)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

38 Weeks

Well it is week 38 and I am now officially EXTREMELY uncomfortable! I feel like my belly is stretched to the max capacity and my body is soooooo tired. We are ready for Eleni to come out and play!! I have not had any contractions yet so I am fairly convinced that she is very comfy in my belly--it must be lovely in there! I was just telling Ari that if I had to guess a date for her arrival it would be April 10th or April 11th. I have no clue why, just a feeling. Not much else to report for now, stay tuned for any new updates... :)

Here are some pictures from this week.