Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Eleni's Due Date

Well today is Eleni's due date and we are still here waiting for her to make her appearance! I really did not think she would be late. I guess she wants to keep us all on our toes! :)

We had our 40 Week doctor appointment today and sadly no new progress from last week--I am still stuck at 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. What a bummer!! We thought for sure there would be at least a little change but no such luck. Along with an internal exam the doctor did an ultrasound to check the fluid levels around Eleni which looked great. Also she hooked us up to a fetal monitor to watch Eleni's heart rate and my contractions for 25 mins. Everything with this test looked perfect too. Although I have only felt a couple contractions the monitor did show that I am having contractions they are just very very little ones.

So after all of these tests the Doctor came in and we discussed a possible induction date. Ari and I were originally hoping for this Friday as an induction date. The Doctor then explained to us that since my body has only shown very little progress it would be best to wait a few more days to see if I can progress on my own then if needed we will induce. She explained that if we were to induce now that most likely I would have a VERY long labor followed by a probable C-Section. Of course if possible I would like to avoid major abdominal surgery so a few more days we will have to wait! We have another Doctor appointment set for Monday morning (if Eleni decides to not come on her own) and then an induction scheduled for Tuesday, 4/21 starting at 2:00am. At least we now have an end date to look forward to!! We can not wait to meet you baby girl!!!! Just a few more days, we know you will be worth the long wait!!! XOXO