Thursday, February 25, 2010

and....We Are Back!!!

Hooray my computer has been repaired and all my photo editing software has been reinstalled. I felt so naked without it! I know technically I usually post Eleni updates on Friday but I was so excited to have my computer back that I could not wait! Eleni is wonderful, she loves to dance (swaying side to side, shaking her head, and bouncing up and down). She is a big talker and loves to scream for no reason. She HATES having her diaper changed! This has become a HUGE challenge for me I have about 10 go to toys with me that I try to distract her with while I change her but most of the time that only keeps her attention for a few seconds. The remainder of the diaper change she twists over to her stomach, tries to sit up, or fling her self off of the changing table. Awwww such fun times!! ;) She is standing unassisted for long periods of time while clapping her hands and letting go to take a couple steps at a time. I am still trying to teach her how to say a very distinct and clear "MAMA" but so far she does not seem too interested in learning that word. Booooooooo! Here are a few photos that I snapped from this past week. XOXO

1 comment:

Christina Dely said...

So glad everything is back in working order! That must have been a nightmare :(