Wednesday, October 29, 2008

15 Weeks well 16 actually....

So today I am 16 weeks exactly. The weeks are flying by--I am getting a little nervous and hope that time will slow down a bit! We have so many things to do, prepare, read, and buy before the baby is here. I need to make a list! I am feeling A LOT better this week--HOORAY!!! Finally a much needed break from all the icky feelings. I am really trying to make sure to slow down and enjoy the next few months with the little one growing inside of me. The little peanut can now hear our voices and noises outside so Ari and I talk to my belly every night before bed.:)

Anyhow, not much else to report. Halloween is this Friday and I am just sitting here watching one of my favorite childhood memories "It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!". It is soooo good--I watch it every year!

Don't forget to check back this Saturday for new pictures of the baby and the official results--BOY or GIRL!!!

Here are some pictures from last week, week 15.

Monday, October 20, 2008

14 Weeks

Well we officially made it to the second trimester!! The morning sickness seems to be getting a little bit better BUT very slowly. For some reason I seem to get the most sick at night when I get home from work--FUN! Besides that everything else is going great. We got back the results from our First Trimester Screening tests and the baby has the lowest possible risk for Downs Syndrome and is measuring right on track-great news!! This past week Ari and I can definitely notice a little bump starting to appear. :) Hooray our little one is growing!

We are going to have an ultrasound next week where we should be able to confirm if the little one is in fact a girl. Stay tuned...

Here are pics from week 13 and week 14.

13 Weeks

Don't mind my horrible face in this one...

14 Weeks

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

13 Week Ultrasound

Today was an amazing day! We had our First Trimester screening test. Everything looks great! The baby is healthy and growing right on track. It was so unbelievable to see our little one kicking, jumping, and waving on the screen. We were able to come home with a DVD of the whole ultrasound and as soon as Ari uploads it I will be sure to send you all the link or post it here.

So we asked the doctor what she thought it was if she had to take a guess--BOY or GIRL. Please keep in mind that it is hard to tell this early but from what she could see it looks like a little baby girl in there!!!!! We will be able to confirm this amazing news in a couple of weeks. WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! :)

Here are 2 4-D images of our little one from today.

Look at those arms and legs!!

And the cutest little tooshie we have ever seen!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

BIG Changes

Well it has been quite a few months since I have updated our blog. So as I sat here tonight I was talking with Ari and we decided that we should track our newest journey on our blog. So what are these BIG Changes I mentioned in my title??? Well...


Baby Tsekouras is arriving in April. Baby T is due April 15th and we are very excited!!! We can not wait to meet our little one! So far the journey has been a little rough for me. I have been blessed with morning sickness or what I like to call "All Day Long Sickness"! BUT I think things might be getting a little bit better now that I am almost into my second trimester. :)

Below are some pictures of the night I suprised Ari with the big news,our baby's first 2 ultrasound pictures, and some belly pictures so you all can see how Baby T is getting bigger week by week! We have our First Trimester Screening appointment on Tuesday the 7th where we will be able to see our little gummy bear, get some new pictures of the little one, and MAYBE just MAYBE find out if it is a BOY or GIRL! Stay tuned and check back for updates.... :)

Marisa, Ari,and Baby T

Right after I told Ari he was going to be a DADDY!!

The surprise I had waiting for Ari--BABY T IS ON THE WAY!!

Our Baby at 8 weeks--Baby T's first picture :)

Baby T at 10 weeks--getting bigger!

My belly at 4 weeks.

10 weeks...

12.5 weeks...