Wednesday, December 31, 2008

24 Weeks and Christmas!!

Sorry I am little late updating this week. Things have been busy with Christmas and work but they are finally winding down. It is New Years Eve tonight and we are at home cooking a yummy dinner, drinking champagne, and apple cider (for the pregnant Mama!!). I can't imagine life getting better than this but I am sure it will be in just a few months. ;)

Christmas was really nice, we had it at our house this year. Lots of yummy food, and wonderful company--my parents, my Auntie, and my Nana. The only thing missing was our Northern CA parent's Andy and Carol. We missed you!!

Here are some pictures from week 24 and Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

23 Weeks

Well according to the updated belly pictures I am about to post our little girl has had a HUGE growth spurt this last week! You can definitely notice a HUGE difference. On Saturday night Ari felt her kick for the first time! It was so cute to see his reaction, his eyes lit up and he smiled the sweetest smile. What an amazing memory!! From her kicks we can already tell that we have a strong little girl on the way. :)

This Thursday is Christmas and the days are passing quickly. After the holidays are over we will start working on the nursery. We are very excited! Her bedding and some of the accessories came today and they are even cuter in person than online!! I can't wait to see it all set up in her new room!!

I am so happy to have the next few days off of work. My plans include laying around on the couch, watching TV, and taking many naps!! Sounds fabulous right??!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

22 Weeks tonight is a good night!! I finished a big project at work, I am watching It's A Charlie Brown Christmas (you know how much I love that), and I am 22 weeks! What is so special about 22 weeks you might ask? Well, that makes it one week closer to meeting our baby girl!!! I am so excited!!! Not much else to report tonight. Below are some pictures from week 2-2. :)

It doesn't get much better than this...

Sunday, December 14, 2008


So I am 22 weeks and things are progressing!! :) Progressing in that the belly is growing, we picked a name, and we picked the nursery decor!!! I never posted pictures from week 21 so that is what I will be posting tonight. Plus I will post some pictures of the bedding we chose. We found the bedding at Restoration Hardware Baby and it was on sale plus an extra 20% off today so we splurged and bought our little girl an early Christmas present!!! I LOVE IT!

Today was a great Sunday, I had a fabulous lunch with my beautiful friend and bride-to-be Christina, Ari cooked us a yummy dinner, and now I am just laying on the couch relaxing with our puppies. Awwww one of my favorite things to do! Now, on to the pictures...

This is the bumper we chose...

A close up of the bumper

The crib skirt

And some accessories for the room :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas Decorating!!!

This week we decorated our Christmas tree and hung our stockings on the fire place. I love enjoying the decorations all month long! I am still on the hunt for the perfect stocking for our little girl, so for now we just have one for Ari and I and one for each of the puppies. :)

On Friday we also had our 21 week anatomy scan. This is the ultrasound where they look at everything on the baby to make sure it developed properly. She looks PERFECT!!! We are so happy that she is healthy! The scan was really neat we got to see her brain, kidneys, bladder, heart (we could actually see the blood flowing through the different chambers), her ears, hands etc. She has been VERY active the last few days and at the scan we could see her kicking and bouncing all around--awwww that explains all those funny feelings in my belly! ;)

The days are passing very quickly and there is still MUCH to be done!! I started to look at nursery decor and think I might have found some bedding that I like! Also, we have started a registry online that we are slowly adding to. We are getting more and more excited and can't believe that we will be meeting the new member of our family in just a few months!

Here are some pictures of our Christmas decorations and of course some new pictures of our little girl...

Ari surprised me with a special ornament for our little girl! It is so beautiful--I LOVE IT!! Her first Christmas ornament!! :)

Here she is!! In this shot you can see her spine and the back of her head. She hid her face the whole time. I guess she wants us to be surprised when we meet her for the first time!

This is the side of her head, you can see one of her cute little ears. :)

Her face still hiding but we got a full side view of her. You can see her hand up by her face and her elbow is resting on her knee.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

20 Weeks...

So Thanksgiving was a success!! All of the food came out great--Ari did an amazing job cooking his first turkey!! We had such a fun time spending the weekend with our families. We hope to make Thanksgiving at our house a tradition every year. Mark it in your calenders! ;)

The belly is growing fast! Our big ultrasound is this Friday and we can not wait to see our little girl. I am already getting a little uncomfortable which is scary considering I still have 4 months and lots of growing to go!! EEEK! Oh well our little one is worth every pain and sleepless night.

Below are some pictures from Thanksgiving and my 20 week belly pictures.

Our first turkey--not bad!!! ;)

We were pooped at the end of the night...

20 Weeks...

Mama needs a tan!!