Tuesday, February 24, 2009

32 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 33 weeks!!! There are so many fun and exciting things to report. First off, our shower is this weekend--we are very excited! Ari's parents, sister, and brother in-law are all coming down from San Francisco for the weekend. Secondly, the guest room is almost done. Just some touch ups and new closet doors to install. Our new carpet was installed yesterday and it is sooooo soft and pretty, it was a much needed change from the old stinky carpet that came with our house. Tomorrow Ari will be setting up the nursery furniture--YES, I can't wait to see the room finished!! Stay tuned for pictures of the finished product...

We had a tour of the hospital that we will be delivering at on Sunday and it is very nice! The rooms are all private and decent in size with a pull out bed for Daddy and bassinet for Baby. It made the fact that Eleni is coming VERY soon even more real. We can not wait to meet her and give her millions of kisses.

Here are some pictures of week 32, before and after of the guest bedroom, and the new carpet.

Here is our guest bedroom before...

and the guest bedroom after new paint, moldings, and carpet...

Another picture of the new carpet

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

31 Weeks...

Tomorrow I will be 32 weeks!!! I feel like there can not possibly be any room left in my belly but apparently Eleni is going to almost double in size over the next 8 weeks. My body is not adjusting well to this huge bump I now have attached to me. I keep pulling a muscle in my back which makes just sitting or laying on the couch painful. Other than that I am feeling pretty good--sleep is becoming difficult not only due to being uncomfortable but my mind is constantly racing. I can't relax--too many things left to do before Eleni arrives!!

This past weekend Ari being the wonderful husband that he is started patching and painting our other guest room. Hopefully by the end of this coming weekend the paint will be finished and the room will be ready for the new carpet to be installed. Finally all of our bedrooms will be close to complete--just a few minor decorating changes left!!

Here are some pictures from week 31. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Today is Valentine's Day and we are sitting at home relaxing on the couch with full bellies. :)

I went down to Orange County to get my hair cut today and my Mom came and met me with some red velvet cupcakes to celebrate. SO YUMMY!! Once I got home Ari and I decided to cook dinner at home and enjoy our last Valentine's Day just the two of us. It was PERFECT!! Tomorrow night we are going out to a nice restaurant by our house which will be our first night out on the town in a quite a long time--we are excited!!

Just a couple of little updates from the past few days to report. The wall letters I had custom painted for the nursery were delivered and they are adorable!! I picked out Eleni's "coming home outfit", so she will be looking oh so cute for the millions of pictures that day!

I can't believe that this week I will be 32 weeks--WOW so crazy!! Our little angel will be here before we know it. We hope everyone had an amazing Valentine's Day. XOXO

Cute cupcakes!!

Ari came home with this beautiful Orchid for me today. Love you Ari!!!

These will be hung on the wall above her crib.

Here are some better pictures of the nursery paint color (taken in natural light).

Eleni's "Coming Home Outfit"

Monday, February 9, 2009

30 Weeks!!

This weekend my Auntie and Nana came up from San Diego and put the border up in Eleni's room. It looks SUPER cute--I am in in love!!! Thank you Auntie!! My Nana was lucky enough to get to feel Eleni kick and move around--this is pretty exciting because Eleni seems to get stage fright anytime I try to let other people feel her besides Ari and I. So this is a pretty big deal that she let Nana feel her. It made me so happy to see the smile it brought to my Nana's face!! :)

This weekend we also went to Home Depot and ordered new carpet for all of our bedrooms. I am so excited, everything is finally coming together!! As soon as the carpeting is installed we will be able to set up the crib and dresser. I can't wait!!! On Sunday we had our first Child Birth Class which was fun and pretty hilarious in parts. :)

Not much else to report this week. Here are some pictures of the border and the ever growing belly....

Sorry the pictures below are not the greatest. I will take more this weekend once we have better natural light. The room is pink and not orange in case you were wondering. :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pictures from week 29!!

Well today I am 30 weeks!! I can not believe in just a few short weeks that Eleni will be here with us. WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!!! This weekend my Auntie is coming up from San Diego to help us put the border up on the nursery walls and hopefully get a closet organizer set up. We also have our first child birth class on Sunday--hmmmm this should be interesting!

I am still feeling icky--between my HUGE belly, all over body soreness, and pressure April can not come soon enough!

Here are some pictures from week 29...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Nursery Progress Pictures

Here are some progress pictures of Eleni's nursery: