Tuesday, February 24, 2009

32 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 33 weeks!!! There are so many fun and exciting things to report. First off, our shower is this weekend--we are very excited! Ari's parents, sister, and brother in-law are all coming down from San Francisco for the weekend. Secondly, the guest room is almost done. Just some touch ups and new closet doors to install. Our new carpet was installed yesterday and it is sooooo soft and pretty, it was a much needed change from the old stinky carpet that came with our house. Tomorrow Ari will be setting up the nursery furniture--YES, I can't wait to see the room finished!! Stay tuned for pictures of the finished product...

We had a tour of the hospital that we will be delivering at on Sunday and it is very nice! The rooms are all private and decent in size with a pull out bed for Daddy and bassinet for Baby. It made the fact that Eleni is coming VERY soon even more real. We can not wait to meet her and give her millions of kisses.

Here are some pictures of week 32, before and after of the guest bedroom, and the new carpet.

Here is our guest bedroom before...

and the guest bedroom after new paint, moldings, and carpet...

Another picture of the new carpet

1 comment:

Christina Dely said...

Awww the rooms look beautiful, so warm and inviting! All the hard work is paying off :)