Wednesday, March 18, 2009

36 Weeks...

I am 36 weeks today, only one more week and I will be considered full term. She is coming!!!! Ari and I can not believe that in just a couple of weeks she could be here. It is so hard to imagine.

I started working from home this week and it has been AMAZING!! The weather has been so beautiful here, just like summer! Yesterday I decided to sit outside with my laptop while enjoying the sun for just a few minutes. While I sat there taking in the warm rays, I could not help but picture our sweet baby girl this summer wearing the little swimsuit we have waiting for her! Most likely it will be too warm for her outside but be sure there will be a photo session of her showing off that cute suit on the couch with her beach hat! ;)

Last weekend my Mom came up and we finished washing her clothes, organizing her closet, and organizing her dresser/changer. Ari just needs to hang the blinds in her room, hang some shelves, and put together a side table.

I can't imagine making it to 40 weeks, so we will just have to wait and see! I already feel like I am ready to pop! The last couple of days I have noticed that she feels huge and this makes sleeping near impossible. I just wish she was here and we were enjoying her company in the outside world! :)

Here are some pictures from last week, WEEK 35!!

Look who just had to be in the picture...

My new obsession...BABY SOCKS--TOO CUTE!!

Eleni's first swimsuit!

All of her super soft stuffed animals

This is the bouncer that Auntie Christina bought for Eleni. I put it together all on my own with a screwdriver. Yes ladies and gents, I said a screwdriver! Who knew I was so handy?! ;)

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