Monday, May 18, 2009

SMILE Eleni you are 1 month old!!!

Yesterday was Eleni's 1 month birthday! I can't believe how quick the last few weeks have gone by. It is amazing how much she changes from one day to the next and how she is learning so much already. Just in the last day or so I have noticed that she has started to play with her hands and make cute little noises to entertain herself. It is adorable!!

Today Eleni and I had a great day. While I was singing silly songs to her she started to giggle and smile the most beautiful big smiles back at me!! It was AMAZING! I got some great pictures that I will treasure ALWAYS!! I love you baby girl thank you for being my sunshine!!! XOXO


Stephanie said...

Looks at those cheeks!!!!!

Christina Dely said...

I can't believe we were just talking about this the night before & it happened! What a wonderful 1 month birthday gift. Love you both tons!!!

stavroula said...

she is so sweet and beutiful like her mommy and daddy