Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Going on Zero sleep!! Mommy is so tired! I must admit that last night was an amazing first, Eleni slept for 3 hours in a row. THANK HEAVENS! How long until babies sleep through the night? Anyone? Anyone? What? We still have a couple months to go? How am I going to do this?! Okay vent over, here is a VERY cute picture I caught today of our sweet baby girl hanging out in her bouncer. Apologies for the bad picture quality, it was taken with my cell phone. XOXO

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

We were just talking about this at work. Our designer is pregnant. Anywho, another girl's mom is a nurse and told her that moms would call in thinking something was horribly wrong "my baby slept through the night, is she sick??" The nurse would say "say a prayer, and enjoy it while you can."