Friday, June 26, 2009

10 Weeks

This past week we celebrated Ari's first Father's Day. We spent Saturday and Sunday at my parent's house in Orange County. It was a great time filled with yummy food, good company, and relaxation. Nana B even watched Eleni at night so Mommy and Daddy could get a good nights sleep--it was heavenly!

Eleni is getting to be such a big girl! She is playing and laughing all of the time. She loves to kick her legs while in her swing or on her changing table. She loves to babble and smiles when I sing to her. Here are some pictures that I shot from last weekend and this past week. XOXO

Although this first picture is a little blurry I just had to post it. I LOVE IT!!

A couple of pictures of our FURRY babies :)

Ari snapped this picture of Nana B, Eleni, and Mommy.

How precious are these feet?! LOVE THEM!!

Ari's client made these adorable pieces for Eleni. Mommy just had to snap a few pictures of Eleni looking oh-so-cute in them!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

9 Weeks Old!!

Yay for Friday! WOW, what a long and eventful week! We are so happy it is the weekend!!! Eleni had her 2 month check up/shots this week. Everything looks great and she is growing like a champ! She was not happy about getting poked and boy oh boy was she fussy after.

In other news my best friend Amy and her husband Petros, welcomed their first baby into the world! Little Lambis is too cute for words and has the most beautiful dark hair. Eleni said she is jealous of her little buddy's gorgeous black locks. ;)

So now onto some big family news....After unexpected events this week, some discussion, and soul searching it has been decided that I am going to be a "Stay at Home Mommy"!! I could not be more excited!!! Before we had Eleni, I always wished and hoped that I would be able to stay home and raise our baby girl. I could not imagine missing a single moment of her precious little life. I feel so blessed to be given this opportunity and after this last week I am convinced that everything REALLY does happen for a reason.

Here are some pictures from this past week. We hope everyone has an amazing weekend!! XOXO

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

2 Months Old!!

Happy (2 month) birthday Eleni!!!

This will be a very short post, more details to come on Friday. It has been a VERY interesting and exhausting week to say the least!

I can not believe it has been 2 months already. Time is flying by!! When I look back at the pictures from her birth I barely recognize her, she looks like a totally different baby. In honor of our sweet baby girl's 2 month birthday here is a picture from her "birth day". XOXO

Friday, June 12, 2009

8 Weeks!!

Happy Friday!! Last night was another rough one so sorry in advance for any typos I am a little bit loopy!

I can't believe it has almost been 2 months since Eleni came into this world and our lives. Yesterday, we had our first professional family photo session. One of my favorite photographers that I follow, came up and took some pictures of the 5 of us. By the 5 of us I mean Ari, me, Eleni, Indi, and Ralphie.:) She even got a couple of pictures with my Mom. I am so excited to see the pictures!! I am pretty sure she got some AMAZING shots! I will be sure to post them once they are ready.

Eleni is doing great! She is smiling and laughing, sleeping less during the day and for the most part longer at night. She loves to watch the lights in her swing and gets frustrated when she tries but can't grab the little snail and froggy hanging in her bouncer. I have really noticed her personality developing this past week--she is a feisty one!! If she does not get what she wants immediately she throws her head back and starts screaming! I wonder if she takes after her Mommy a little bit?? ;)


Sunday, June 7, 2009

7 Weeks Old

Well I am late on my posting again--only this time 2 days late. Oooopsy!! Eleni is 7 weeks old and has changed so much from just last week. She is laughing, cooing, batting at objects in front of her, and getting chubbier by the second!! Also, our poor baby girl is suffering from Male Pattern Baldness--LOL! She was not born with a ton of hair but now everyday I wake up to find another spot on her head is hairless. Eleni confided in me that she is counting the days until her hair returns and to please pick out cute bows and headbands for her to wear so she wont be mistaken for a boy! ;)

Her sleep cycles are still very inconsistent. Just when I think she might be doing better and sleeping for a few hours at a time we have another bad night. When I say bad night, I mean BAD night. She will wake up every 30 minutes and refuse to go down in her bed...siiiiigggghhhhh. Oh well, what can I expect she is still only 7 weeks old.

This past week I found the most amazing invention ever, the MOBY WRAP. I am hopeful that this will change my life for the next few months. When I first bought the wrap and opened the packaging I was disappointed to see that it was just an extrememly long piece of material that I had to somehow figure out how to wrap around myself so it safely holds a baby. The poor Moby Wrap sat on a chair in my kitchen for over a week. Well yesterday I was beyond exhausted and fed up with being bound to my couch. I picked up the wrap and FINALLY figured out how to wrap Eleni correctly. Well ladies in gentleman....SHE LOVES IT!! She falls asleep almost instantly and I have my hands absolute miracle!! Yesterday I was able to bake a pie while Eleni slept soundly and safely against my torso. SO GREAT!! Anyhow, enough of my rambling, here are some pictures from this past week. Happy Sunday!!! XOXO

This is the outfit Eleni wore home from the hospital. I think it might be getting too small!:(

Eleni is still not too sure about her play mat...