Friday, June 26, 2009

10 Weeks

This past week we celebrated Ari's first Father's Day. We spent Saturday and Sunday at my parent's house in Orange County. It was a great time filled with yummy food, good company, and relaxation. Nana B even watched Eleni at night so Mommy and Daddy could get a good nights sleep--it was heavenly!

Eleni is getting to be such a big girl! She is playing and laughing all of the time. She loves to kick her legs while in her swing or on her changing table. She loves to babble and smiles when I sing to her. Here are some pictures that I shot from last weekend and this past week. XOXO

Although this first picture is a little blurry I just had to post it. I LOVE IT!!

A couple of pictures of our FURRY babies :)

Ari snapped this picture of Nana B, Eleni, and Mommy.

How precious are these feet?! LOVE THEM!!

Ari's client made these adorable pieces for Eleni. Mommy just had to snap a few pictures of Eleni looking oh-so-cute in them!!

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