Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Almost Halloween!!!

Today is the day before Halloween and Eleni's 28 week birthday. Eleni has such a little personality now, she is laughing all of the time and it seems she might be learning how to manipulate Mommy. ;) I have started to detect her "fake cry", it is actually quite funny to hear. She loves to sit up and is still sleeping on a routine schedule. Big news to report this week--Eleni's first tooth has popped through and the second is on the way!!! She has actually dealt with the teething pretty well so far, only very minimal fussiness. Other than that not much else to report. Hope everyone is having a great Friday and has a VERY fun and happy Halloween!!

Oh and are you ready for a cuteness overload???!!! Get ready to see the CUTEST bumblebee EVVVVEEERRRR!!!! :)

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Friday, October 23, 2009

27 Weeks Old

This past week I celebrated my "I prefer not to say the age" birthday. I had the most amazingly yummy dinner at Mastros with Ari. The food was to die for! I also was surprised to receive two beautiful bouquets of roses. I love having fresh flowers in the house, it puts me in the best mood just looking at them! :)

What a difference a week makes in baby land! Eleni is now sleeping through the night consistently, napping like a champ, "talking" up a storm, and rolling everywhere she wants to go. I love to take Eleni in to her nursery (it is carpeted unlike the rest of our house) and play with her on the floor. I spread out some toys and she rolls and rolls across the room until she gets to the toy she wants. It is super cute! She is obsessed with the dogs. She reaches out to touch them with a HUGE smile on her face and when they lick her she shrieks with excitement then starts to giggle. Eleni has also found her "angry" voice, she has now discovered how to scream (not cry) when she wants something that I will not let her have. Uh ohhhhhh, this makes me a little nervous about what is in store for us just around the corner! Hehe!

This week I decided to pull out the backdrop material that I bought a few weeks ago to take some pictures of Eleni in some of her new Halloween apparel. Taking pictures of her is becoming increasingly harder as she becomes more mobile. She was rolling all over, would not sit in one place, pulling on the backdrop material, and looking everywhere but at me! LOL! Talk about a challenge. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! XOXO

The pretty flowers, thanks to my In-laws and hubby. :)

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Eleni spent most of our photo session doing this...rolling on her sides trying to put anything and everything within reach in her mouth. ;)

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Eleni was such a wiggle worm that the backdrop would not stay put. Hmmmmm, going to have to find a better way to secure it. Even with a messed up backdrop I still LOVE this next picture. ::Heart Melts::

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pumpkin Patch Fun

This past Sunday we decided that Eleni needed to experience her very first pumpkin patch!! Once she got over her initial fear of the big bright orange things around her she loved it!!! She was fascinated with all of the people, other little babies, noises, and bright colors. Needless to say it was hard to get her to look at the camera with all of the surrounding distractions but we still managed to get some cute pictures!

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Eleni's first time sitting next to a pumpkin, she was a little scared at first.

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As you can see she got over her fear quickly...

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She was not the happiest camper here...

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Eleni with her Nana B! :)

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday Eleni!

How has it been half a year already since our baby girl joined our family?! In just 6months she will be one year old and running around all over the place, how exciting!!!!!

This past week has actually been quite AMAZING. BIG news to report, Eleni is now sleeping through the night! Insert applause here ----> <----. Not only is she sleeping through the night but she is taking three naps in her crib like a big girl!! Oh my goodness, I could literally cry tears of joy. This is life changing for Mommy! I owe my life and the return of my sanity to the wonderful creators of The Sleep Easy Solution DVD! Holy cow, we only had one long night of Eleni learning to soothe herself to sleep and ever since she has slept through the night without a peep. She goes down around 8:00pm and sleeps until 6:30-7:30. I also have The Sleep Easy Solution to thank for Eleni's new napping skills! I could rave on and on... ;)

In other news, Eleni had her 6 month check up yesterday and she is growing beautifully. She is loving all her grown up foods. Her favorite foods are carrots and bananas. She gets very excited when it is time to eat and opens up her mouth wide when she sees the spoon--SO CUTE!! Eleni is also loving her jumperoo she loves when she makes the music play and she jumps up and down with excitement.

In non-baby news my name is now officially Marisa Tsekouras! Yeah yeah, I know. Did it really take me over 3 years to finish changing my name? YUP!!!

We hope everyone is having as great of a week as we are! Happy Saturday!!! XOXO

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The light in this one is not the greatest but I just had to post it. Thanks to our dear friend's Holly and Stephanie for sending Eleni this adorable TX Longhorns onesie. :)

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Christina & Mike's Wedding!!!

We had such an amazing time at Christina and Mike's wedding this past weekend. There is no better feeling than watching two people who really love each other vow to spend their lives together. I LOVE weddings!!

As you will see below, Christina made such a beautiful bride! While we were getting ready that day she was so excited and at the same time perfectly relaxed. The ceremony was romantic and filled with laughter (LOVED your vows Christina!). The reception was a blast, we danced the entire time! Congrats Christina and Mike, thank you for a fantastic evening! We love you!! XOXO

I took quite a few pictures while we were getting ready Saturday. Christina came out amazing in ALL of them so it was tough to decide which to post. Needless to say I could not narrow it down, so sit back and relax it is going to be a long one! ;)

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