Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Almost Halloween!!!

Today is the day before Halloween and Eleni's 28 week birthday. Eleni has such a little personality now, she is laughing all of the time and it seems she might be learning how to manipulate Mommy. ;) I have started to detect her "fake cry", it is actually quite funny to hear. She loves to sit up and is still sleeping on a routine schedule. Big news to report this week--Eleni's first tooth has popped through and the second is on the way!!! She has actually dealt with the teething pretty well so far, only very minimal fussiness. Other than that not much else to report. Hope everyone is having a great Friday and has a VERY fun and happy Halloween!!

Oh and are you ready for a cuteness overload???!!! Get ready to see the CUTEST bumblebee EVVVVEEERRRR!!!! :)

10-24-2009  28Weeks 591_lowW2

10-24-2009  28Weeks 846_low

10-24-2009  28Weeks 501_B_low

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