Friday, October 23, 2009

27 Weeks Old

This past week I celebrated my "I prefer not to say the age" birthday. I had the most amazingly yummy dinner at Mastros with Ari. The food was to die for! I also was surprised to receive two beautiful bouquets of roses. I love having fresh flowers in the house, it puts me in the best mood just looking at them! :)

What a difference a week makes in baby land! Eleni is now sleeping through the night consistently, napping like a champ, "talking" up a storm, and rolling everywhere she wants to go. I love to take Eleni in to her nursery (it is carpeted unlike the rest of our house) and play with her on the floor. I spread out some toys and she rolls and rolls across the room until she gets to the toy she wants. It is super cute! She is obsessed with the dogs. She reaches out to touch them with a HUGE smile on her face and when they lick her she shrieks with excitement then starts to giggle. Eleni has also found her "angry" voice, she has now discovered how to scream (not cry) when she wants something that I will not let her have. Uh ohhhhhh, this makes me a little nervous about what is in store for us just around the corner! Hehe!

This week I decided to pull out the backdrop material that I bought a few weeks ago to take some pictures of Eleni in some of her new Halloween apparel. Taking pictures of her is becoming increasingly harder as she becomes more mobile. She was rolling all over, would not sit in one place, pulling on the backdrop material, and looking everywhere but at me! LOL! Talk about a challenge. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! XOXO

The pretty flowers, thanks to my In-laws and hubby. :)

10-19-2009 27 Weeks 640_low

10-19-2009  27 Weeks 687_lowB

Eleni spent most of our photo session doing this...rolling on her sides trying to put anything and everything within reach in her mouth. ;)

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10-19-2009 27 Weeks 845_low

10-19-2009 27 Weeks 819_low

Eleni was such a wiggle worm that the backdrop would not stay put. Hmmmmm, going to have to find a better way to secure it. Even with a messed up backdrop I still LOVE this next picture. ::Heart Melts::

10-19-2009 27 Weeks 876_low

1 comment:

Christina Dely said...

Hoooooray!!!! At last, the Mastros experience! I knew you would love it. I am sure I do not need to even ask what you had to order ;) Happy Happy Birthday!