Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday Eleni!

How has it been half a year already since our baby girl joined our family?! In just 6months she will be one year old and running around all over the place, how exciting!!!!!

This past week has actually been quite AMAZING. BIG news to report, Eleni is now sleeping through the night! Insert applause here ----> <----. Not only is she sleeping through the night but she is taking three naps in her crib like a big girl!! Oh my goodness, I could literally cry tears of joy. This is life changing for Mommy! I owe my life and the return of my sanity to the wonderful creators of The Sleep Easy Solution DVD! Holy cow, we only had one long night of Eleni learning to soothe herself to sleep and ever since she has slept through the night without a peep. She goes down around 8:00pm and sleeps until 6:30-7:30. I also have The Sleep Easy Solution to thank for Eleni's new napping skills! I could rave on and on... ;)

In other news, Eleni had her 6 month check up yesterday and she is growing beautifully. She is loving all her grown up foods. Her favorite foods are carrots and bananas. She gets very excited when it is time to eat and opens up her mouth wide when she sees the spoon--SO CUTE!! Eleni is also loving her jumperoo she loves when she makes the music play and she jumps up and down with excitement.

In non-baby news my name is now officially Marisa Tsekouras! Yeah yeah, I know. Did it really take me over 3 years to finish changing my name? YUP!!!

We hope everyone is having as great of a week as we are! Happy Saturday!!! XOXO

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The light in this one is not the greatest but I just had to post it. Thanks to our dear friend's Holly and Stephanie for sending Eleni this adorable TX Longhorns onesie. :)

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