Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What am I waiting for?

So this post actually should have gone up a couple of weeks ago but things have been so crazy that I did not have time to upload my pics until now.

My Mom had been requesting for the past few months that I take some pictures of my Nana, Aunt, Eleni, and herself. She wanted something "nice". A picture where everyone was looking at the camera, dressed nicely etc. Sounds easy right? Nope! Every time we made the trip down to San Diego it was a huge family gathering and everyone was running around cooking and caught up in the moment (neither bad things!). So a couple of weeks ago we had our annual early Christmas celebration at my Aunt's house. The plan was to get there early to get a few group shots together. Well, that afternoon traffic was bad and Eleni decided to take an extra long nap so we were running late. When we finally arrived the sun was just about going down which meant that it was too late for photos. We enjoyed our evening together and went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and had a conversation with myself that went something like this...

"ENOUGH, ALREADY! I am tired of waiting for the perfect outfit, the perfect moment to take a picture!"

I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures of everyone (PJs and Bedhead included). At first everyone groaned and resisted but I did not give in. I had a feeling that these would be pictures that I would love and cherish forever. Turns out they are. XOXO

My cousins, the only ones that got to change before I snapped a picture. :)

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