Saturday, January 30, 2010

Only one day late!

Hehe, I am getting really bad at this blogging on a schedule thing. Life is good, everyone is in a great mood this morning including Eleni and her Mama. Happy Saturday! XOXO

Some Vintage photo editing....(Side note: Eleni crawls around her crib with her "lovey" in her mouth, it cracks me up)


Monday, January 25, 2010

Ooooops, 40 Weeks!

It has been a little crazy around here, I had an icky stomach bug for a few days and Amy, Petros, and Baby Lambis came to visit from NY for a couple of days.

Eleni is doing great. Since just yesterday she has started to pull up and let go to whatever she is holding on to. She of course can not hold her self up for long but I was shocked to see her stand for a second today before she toppled over. Also, her top four front teeth have popped through which makes for a pretty cute smile! :)

Since I missed pictures from Eleni's 9 Month/40 Week birthday. Here are some pics from last week. XOXO

Monday, January 18, 2010

Eleni is 9 Months Old!!

Yesterday was Eleni's 9 month birthday!!! We went to the doctor today and she is 20 lbs and 28.5 inches long. The doctor said she is growing perfectly and doing great! No shots today (YAY!) and we are not scheduled to go back until Eleni is 12 months old. Sorry, no pics today. Just wanted to document this special day in Eleni's life. XOXO

Friday, January 15, 2010

39 Weeks Old

I can't believe Eleni's nine month birthday is just days away. I have already started to think about her first birthday and think I have a good idea what the theme and details will consist of. I can not believe that in just 3 short months we will have a toddler! It really is crazy how fast the time goes.

Eleni is cruising along and loving life now that she can move as she pleases. Me on the other hand...zzzzzzzz. Chasing her around is pretty exhausting plus add teething into the equation and Mommy is ready to take a good week long nap! She has 3 teeth popping through on her top gum, all right next to each other. Poor baby, she is chewing on everything and is rather cranky and uncomfortable.

This week I was a little lazy with the photo taking (again I am tired). There are only a couple of pics I snapped from today plus one of the pups from yesterday. Happy weekend! XOXO

Friday, January 8, 2010

38 Weeks Old

I feel like Eleni is a different baby from just a week ago. A week ago she was napping like a champ and trying to crawl forward but could not. From one day to the next she is crawling and now nap time is complete chaos! LOL Once I put her down she freaks out and immediately starts to pull up on the side of the crib and screams at the top of her lungs. This goes on and on for what seems like forever until she finally gives up, sits down and starts to play in her crib. Oh well!!

She is on the go non stop. She is already pulling up on everything in her view and has a few bruises to prove it (poor thing). She is fearless though that is for sure, it really is amazing how babies have no concept of fear or danger. We have Eleni's 9 month check up soon and will be updating the blog with her new stats. I have a feeling she had a huge growth spurt since our last visit. XOXO

Monday, January 4, 2010

We have....

A crawler on our hands!!! Eleni is officially crawling. It is so amazing to watch her go! It makes me so proud and a little sad that time is just flying by! XOXO

Here is a video from tonight. Sorry, the quality is not great it was taken with Ari's iPhone and the room was dark.

Here is another video that cracks us up! Eleni loves to bounce to music and got a little upset when her ducky stopped singing to her. ;)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009, Favorite Moments!

I posted a recap of some of my favorite moments and pictures from 2009 over on my photo blog. Come on over and check it out! XOXO

Friday, January 1, 2010

Eleni's First Christmas

We had an amazing Christmas celebrating with Eleni. She loved opening her presents, even if she did like the wrapping paper more than the actual gift! It was so wonderful to watch her have so much fun, we can only imagine what next year will be like with a toddler! We feel so blessed to have such a good sweet baby who loves to laugh and is in a great mood almost always!

Eleni can now say things that resemble the words Mama and Dada. Mama sounds more like "Meh Meh" and Dada usually goes something like this..."DaDaDaDaDaDaDaDa". We love to hear it! We have a great video of her babbling on and on and will be posting it soon. We hope everyone is having a great New Years Eve! XOXO