Monday, January 4, 2010

We have....

A crawler on our hands!!! Eleni is officially crawling. It is so amazing to watch her go! It makes me so proud and a little sad that time is just flying by! XOXO

Here is a video from tonight. Sorry, the quality is not great it was taken with Ari's iPhone and the room was dark.

Here is another video that cracks us up! Eleni loves to bounce to music and got a little upset when her ducky stopped singing to her. ;)


Christina Dely said...

Now I'm getting sad :( I can't believe how quickly she is growing up! I need a visit with the Super Crawler soon please.

Unknown said...

She is absolutly everything a grandma and grandpa could ever hope to see. Fabulous! All our love to you Eleni, Papou Andy and Grandma Carol