Friday, January 8, 2010

38 Weeks Old

I feel like Eleni is a different baby from just a week ago. A week ago she was napping like a champ and trying to crawl forward but could not. From one day to the next she is crawling and now nap time is complete chaos! LOL Once I put her down she freaks out and immediately starts to pull up on the side of the crib and screams at the top of her lungs. This goes on and on for what seems like forever until she finally gives up, sits down and starts to play in her crib. Oh well!!

She is on the go non stop. She is already pulling up on everything in her view and has a few bruises to prove it (poor thing). She is fearless though that is for sure, it really is amazing how babies have no concept of fear or danger. We have Eleni's 9 month check up soon and will be updating the blog with her new stats. I have a feeling she had a huge growth spurt since our last visit. XOXO

1 comment:

the blankenship family said...

we have that froggy outfit! isn't it the cutest!