Monday, April 19, 2010


We can't believe our little girl is one year old! This last year has flown by, "Mr. Clock can you pretty please slow down??!".

This past Saturday we had all of our closest family and friends over to celebrate Eleni's birthday. It was such a great time and it was SO wonderful to be able to celebrate this special time with the people we love the most.

Thank you to everyone for coming out to celebrate with us. We had a blast and Eleni did too!! She LOVES all of her gifts and is still dreaming about her yummy birthday cake. :)

We feel SO blessed to have such a wonderful little girl in our lives. Thank you Eleni for making our hearts so filled with LOVE!

Here are a few photos from this past Saturday. If you would like to see more from Eleni's party come on over to my photoblog. XOXO

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Black and Blue

A Riddle For You: What is black, blue, and cute all over????


Now that Eleni is walking everywhere she is constantly falling and hurting herself. Her head seems to be collecting bumps and bruises all over! Poor thing. :( I have been trying to keep her from a complete bruise and black eye catastrophe before her party on Saturday but so far she has one decent bruise on her cheek plus a couple on her forehead. Besides all the bumping and bruising life is great here at the Tsekouras house! Just tying up a few loose ends before Saturday. I can't believe my baby girl is turning 1! Oh and for those of you coming on Saturday, there will probably be some crying while singing Happy Birthday to her for the first time--you have been warned! ;)

Here are some photos from Easter. Enjoy! XOXO

Friday, April 9, 2010

I SPY...

A little game of I SPY for this week's blog post. Can you find something new in this week's photos of Eleni??? ;)

Our life currently can be described as complete chaos. Between trying to tie up all of the loose ends for Eleni's birthday party next Saturday and the construction going on in our backyard our life is busy! Yes, we decided as a last minute decision to have a patio built and a new fence put in our backyard. Yeah, we must be crazy!!

Eleni is cuter than ever, walking all over the place. I still think it is so funny and adorable to watch her walk. I LOVE IT! Although, you have to watch her constantly she is into everything and quite the explorer.

These photos are from the day before Easter. Eleni was opening her present from Grandma Carol and Papou Andy. She was enthralled with all the fun goodies they sent her and SHE LOVED unwrapping that box! I will be posting photos from our Easter in the next few days so check back often. Happy Friday!! XOXO

**To see more photos of Eleni opening her present you can visit my photoblog.**

This last one is from the first time I put pigtails in Eleni's hair. TOO FUNNY! ;)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Yep, I missed last week's post AGAIN. No excuses right? WRONG. I have plenty. This new "almost toddler" stage that Eleni is in the midst of is quite challenging for me. She is officially walking (yes I know I promised a video, it is coming...) and getting into everything. She can not be left alone for one second, she is way too smart for her own good! She goes right to everything she should not and it seems like she is falling and bonking her head constantly. Although this phase is extremely tiring it is so amazing at the same time! There is nothing like experiencing our little girl take so much in and give us so much back! She reaches for us, waves at us, cries out for us, laughs with us! I catch her smiling at me in reflections and it melts my heart, what an amazing gift she is! Too much mushy gushy for you?!! OK! ;)

In other news, we are SO excited for Eleni's party. Not only for her but for us! We see this as a celebration for her (primarily) but US too! This past year has been wonderful, CHALLENGING, surprising, and filled with the most indescribable memories. We can not wait to celebrate this past year with our best friends and wonderful families!

A couple of weeks ago we had a "One Year Photo Shoot" to both document this time in her life and to have a photo to use for her birthday invites. Well since I am pretty sure everyone has received their invite by now I can share some of my favorite photos from the shoot.

Hope you enjoy them as much as we do!! Happy Friday!!! XOXO (sorry for any horrible typos I am writing this while extremely tired)

The sweetest frosting hand print EVER!!

Do you think she liked it?!!