Thursday, April 15, 2010

Black and Blue

A Riddle For You: What is black, blue, and cute all over????


Now that Eleni is walking everywhere she is constantly falling and hurting herself. Her head seems to be collecting bumps and bruises all over! Poor thing. :( I have been trying to keep her from a complete bruise and black eye catastrophe before her party on Saturday but so far she has one decent bruise on her cheek plus a couple on her forehead. Besides all the bumping and bruising life is great here at the Tsekouras house! Just tying up a few loose ends before Saturday. I can't believe my baby girl is turning 1! Oh and for those of you coming on Saturday, there will probably be some crying while singing Happy Birthday to her for the first time--you have been warned! ;)

Here are some photos from Easter. Enjoy! XOXO

1 comment:

Christina M Dely said...

We had so much fun at Eleni's birthday party! Thank you for having us. We love hanging out with the Tsekouras Family!