Friday, April 9, 2010

I SPY...

A little game of I SPY for this week's blog post. Can you find something new in this week's photos of Eleni??? ;)

Our life currently can be described as complete chaos. Between trying to tie up all of the loose ends for Eleni's birthday party next Saturday and the construction going on in our backyard our life is busy! Yes, we decided as a last minute decision to have a patio built and a new fence put in our backyard. Yeah, we must be crazy!!

Eleni is cuter than ever, walking all over the place. I still think it is so funny and adorable to watch her walk. I LOVE IT! Although, you have to watch her constantly she is into everything and quite the explorer.

These photos are from the day before Easter. Eleni was opening her present from Grandma Carol and Papou Andy. She was enthralled with all the fun goodies they sent her and SHE LOVED unwrapping that box! I will be posting photos from our Easter in the next few days so check back often. Happy Friday!! XOXO

**To see more photos of Eleni opening her present you can visit my photoblog.**

This last one is from the first time I put pigtails in Eleni's hair. TOO FUNNY! ;)


the blankenship family said...

earrings! i knew it! how beautiful! such a lucky girl.

Christina M Dely said...

She is really stylin' now! How did she handle the piercing? Can't wait to see her pretty face :)