Friday, September 11, 2009

21 Weeks...Sittin' Pretty

It has been really busy around here to say the least! Our dear friends Christina and Mike are getting married in just a few short weeks so we have had pre-wedding festivities the last two weekends keeping our schedules full. I spent this past weekend in Vegas and Ari took care of Eleni all on his own! He did an amazing job! Daddy and Eleni went to the mall, grocery store, and Blockbuster. PHHHHHEWWWW that must have been exhausting! I was so excited to see Eleni and Ari when I got home on Monday. That was the longest I have been separated from her, my heart was bursting with happiness when I saw her sweet face. :)

Eleni has been such a wiggle worm this past week. She is rolling all over the place! When I put her on her play mat she will now completely roll off of it leaving her on the wood floors (NOT OK!). I guess it is time to buy a huge rug for our family room! She is trying very hard to scoot while on her belly and she seems to get frustrated that she can't get her body to move the way she wants it to. Eleni has a new obsession with Mommy's cell phone. She is mesmerized and squeals (LOUDLY) until I let her touch it--too funny! Eleni can also sit on her own for a few seconds at a time. I can not tell you how excited I am about this milestone! Once she can sit on her own it will produce MANY MANY more interesting photo opportunities for me--hehe! I actually managed to snap a few pictures of her first time sitting on her own before she toppled over (see below).

Happy Friday!! XOXO

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09-10-2009_21 Weeks 110

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09-10-2009_21 Weeks 251

09-10-2009_21 Weeks 299

09-10-2009_21 Weeks 292

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

She is starting to get an older face!!!!