Thursday, September 17, 2009

5 Months Old

I have noticed a trend lately, when I get Eleni dressed and something is fitting her rather snug or too tight I look at the size on the tag and see 3 months. There is a few seconds that pass in my brain where I am puzzled as to why it does not fit her anymore. For some reason I am really stuck on her being 3 months old! I then quickly remember that she is not 3 or 4 months old but 5! Wow, almost half a year old! How did that happen so quickly?! It makes me really take a step back and look at her and enjoy every moment with her at this young precious age! Yesterday Eleni pulled herself up to a sitting position from laying down on the couch all on her own. Her head was propped up with a little pillow but still very impressive!! Her sleep pattern is still very inconsistent from what it used to be. I am soooooo tired and ready for this sleep stage to be over! The last two nights she has broke out of her swaddle blanket and rolled over on her tummy to sleep. This makes me more than nervous! Oh well, what can you do?! I just need to learn to relax a little and not worry so much, so far this idea is not working so well. Happy 5 months baby girl! Love you!!! XOXO

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1 comment:

the blankenship family said...

please come to texas and take pictures of brady. you are so talented! what precious memories you will have always! i can't believe eleni is 5 months old! congrats!