Friday, September 18, 2009

22 Weeks Old

Not much else to report on the Eleni front since yesterday's 5 Month update post. Last night was another rough one, Mommy is a walking zombie today. ;) This weekend is my 10 year highschool reunion, so we will be heading down to Orange County for Saturday and Sunday. Next weekend we are going on a little trip up north to visit Ari's family. This coming week will include lots of packing a preparing for a 7+ hour car ride with a 5 month old--should be interesting!

Last week I went shopping and bought some fabric for a backdrop and some fuzzy cute material. I have been wanting to try them out so Eleni and I had a fun little photo shoot. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from that day. HAPPY FRIDAY!!! XOXO

09-17-2009 428_2

09-17-2009 180_3

09-17-2009 359

09-17-2009 256_2

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