Friday, September 25, 2009

23 Weeks Old

Well, we made it! We are up in San Fran. Eleni did surprisingly well on the car ride here, only a couple moments of fussiness! I was soooo impressed with her great attitude.;)Special thanks to my parents who are staying at our house and taking care of Indi and Ralphie!

Not much else to report, Eleni is trying very hard to crawl. I think it will just be a matter of a couple of weeks before she will be able to all on her own. She has already had a couple of successful scoots across her crib!

We are so happy to be here visiting with Ari's parents! Eleni will be meeting some of Ari's extended for the first time. Eleni told me she is very excited and can not wait for all of the fun festivities this weekend!

We hope everyone is having a VERY happy Friday! XOXO

09-23-2009 23 Weeks 011

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09-23-2009 23 Weeks 093