Friday, July 31, 2009

15 Weeks Old

YAY, I LOVE Fridays!!! I have the whole weekend to look forward to. We love getting to spend all that extra time with Daddy and Nana B!!

Eleni is growing up so fast, she really is changing dramatically every day! Eleni is now trying to sit up on her own, she gets very frustrated that her body wont let her move the way she wants it to. It is so amazing to watch her brain working and body trying to scoot up. She is talking and singing all of the time. She even reaches her hands out to softly touch my face when I get close to her (one of my favorite things!!). Eleni is now what I affectionately call a little drool monster and wants to put anything she can grab in her mouth. You have to watch her every second to make sure that she hasn't grabbed something that she shouldn't have, she is a quick one!

We are loving every second with her and feel so blessed to have such a sweet baby girl. Have a great weekend!! XOXO

This one cracks me up!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009


I was just sitting here thinking about my amazing weekend at home and feeling very thankful!! Thankful for my AMAZING husband that loves me unconditionally and spoils me rotten. ;) Thankful for our two adorable pups who bring so much happiness and entertainment to our daily lives. Thankful for my Mom who comes up to help us out as often as she can. Last but certainly not least, I am thankful for our precious little girl Eleni. Every time I watch her smile or hear her laugh my heart just melts--she is the most PERFECT gift ever!!! XOXO

Some cute pictures of Ari with his favorite pal...

Friday, July 24, 2009

14 Weeks Old

This past weekend we ventured down to San Diego to spend some time with my family. My Nana had been dying to see Eleni again and I was dying to see her!! I loved watching my family smother Eleni with lots of kisses and love! :)

Eleni is "talking" up a storm with lots of gurgles, coos, and even little laughs. Oh my goodness, as I type this I look down to where Eleni should be playing on her play mat and what do I see???!! She has fallen asleep all on her own--SO SWEET and a miracle!! HeHe

Here are some pictures from this past week. Hope everyone has a fun filled weekend!! XOXO

Uncle Phil bought this Angels hat for Eleni. Plenty of room to grow! ;)

Finally a picture with Mommy!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

3 Months Old

Today is both Eleni's 13 week and 3 month birthday!! :) We went to the doctor today and she is growing perfectly! She is now 24 inches long and weighs 12.4 lbs. I can't believe how big she is getting! She is now sleeping through the night which is a HUGE blessing although we need to work on her napping skills during the day. Eleni can pretty much hold up her head on her own and LOVES to sit up on the couch propped up by her boppy pillow. We also put her in her bumbo chair for the first time this week (see below pics), she is still not too sure about it. ;)

Here are some pictures from this past week. Happy Friday!!! XOXO

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Christina's Bridal Shower...#1 :)

This past Sunday was Christina's Family Bridal Shower for her family and Bridesmaids. It felt sooooo good to get dressed up and get out of the house! I must admit that I have been super lazy lately, getting ready every day is just not happening anymore. My daily attire now consists of comfy pants, curly hair (this is not a good thing), and nursing tanks. Not the CUTEST get up in the world. Oh well, what can you do?! I am at Eleni's every beckon call and she is definitely a little high maintenance. ;) But I digress...Christina's shower was beautiful and it was so wonderful to see her so excited and happy! I can not wait until her special day in October, I know it is going to be an AMAZING time! Here are a few pictures that I took at her shower. Love you Christina and I am so happy to be a part of your special day!! XOXO

Some of the cute decor...

The yummy dessert table!! The flowers are actually cupcakes--SO AMAZING!!

The BEAUTIFUL Bride-To-Be and her Mom.

Opening presents...

LOVED this gift!! If you are going to wash dishes you should always do it with stylish gloves!!!

Christina and her Maid of Honor Katie.

Friday, July 10, 2009

12 Weeks

Wait, what? 12 weeks? How is that possible?! When I really think about how fast the time has gone by it makes me sad. She is growing up WAY too fast! Siiiiggghhhhhhh. Oh well, I am enjoying every moment I get to spend with her! I love watching her discover new things and see how her personality is becoming more distinct every day.

She now has a best buddy, Minnie Mouse! If she is in her swing and isn't enjoying the experience I just hand her Minnie and that will keep her occupied for a couple minutes more!! I know that a couple of minutes sounds like nothing but trust me when you are trying to eat, clean, or just rest your arms two minutes = HEAVEN!! ;)

This past week we ventured outside to have a mini photo session with Daddy. It was so much fun!! She loved looking around at all of the trees, flowers, and birds. Here are some pictures from this past week and our adventure outside. XOXO

Ari loves when she holds onto his fingers. :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

11 Weeks Old

Wow I can't believe our baby girl is 11 weeks old already!! Ari's Dad and Mom came to stay with us for a few days this past week. It was so nice to have them here, and so wonderful to see Eleni with her Papou Andy and Grandma Carol.

So we have HUGE news this week, 'drum roll please!'..............Eleni's hair is growing back!!! HaHa, poor thing has been a baldy for the last few weeks but now she definitely has some brown hair growing in!! Awwww, she told me that she is VERY excited! Bring on the cute clips! ;)

It is so amazing to see how much she is growing and developing every day. She is becoming such a big girl!! Someone please make the clock slow down! I feel so blessed every time I look at her. I ask myself daily "how did we get so lucky?". She is beautiful, healthy and brings so much joy to my life. Thank you baby girl!!! :)

Here are some pictures that I snapped from this past week. I know there are quite a few, when it came down to picking only a couple I could not decide!! Hope everyone has a great Fourth of July weekend!! XOXO

Eleni is loving her playmat now. She loves to bat at the animals and even tries to pull them down!!

Now we have a picture of both Grandmas sleeping on the job! ;)