Friday, July 31, 2009

15 Weeks Old

YAY, I LOVE Fridays!!! I have the whole weekend to look forward to. We love getting to spend all that extra time with Daddy and Nana B!!

Eleni is growing up so fast, she really is changing dramatically every day! Eleni is now trying to sit up on her own, she gets very frustrated that her body wont let her move the way she wants it to. It is so amazing to watch her brain working and body trying to scoot up. She is talking and singing all of the time. She even reaches her hands out to softly touch my face when I get close to her (one of my favorite things!!). Eleni is now what I affectionately call a little drool monster and wants to put anything she can grab in her mouth. You have to watch her every second to make sure that she hasn't grabbed something that she shouldn't have, she is a quick one!

We are loving every second with her and feel so blessed to have such a sweet baby girl. Have a great weekend!! XOXO

This one cracks me up!!!

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