Friday, July 10, 2009

12 Weeks

Wait, what? 12 weeks? How is that possible?! When I really think about how fast the time has gone by it makes me sad. She is growing up WAY too fast! Siiiiggghhhhhhh. Oh well, I am enjoying every moment I get to spend with her! I love watching her discover new things and see how her personality is becoming more distinct every day.

She now has a best buddy, Minnie Mouse! If she is in her swing and isn't enjoying the experience I just hand her Minnie and that will keep her occupied for a couple minutes more!! I know that a couple of minutes sounds like nothing but trust me when you are trying to eat, clean, or just rest your arms two minutes = HEAVEN!! ;)

This past week we ventured outside to have a mini photo session with Daddy. It was so much fun!! She loved looking around at all of the trees, flowers, and birds. Here are some pictures from this past week and our adventure outside. XOXO

Ari loves when she holds onto his fingers. :)

1 comment:

Christina Dely said...

Marisa, your pictures are absolutely breathtaking! Your photos look more and more professional each week. My favorite is Eleni in her white cap :) xoxo