Friday, August 14, 2009

17 Weeks Old

Oh my goodness, I just typed a long entry for this post and it somehow got deleted. AGGGHHHHHHH! Oh well let me see if I can remember. I think it went something like this.... :)

Wow I can't believe it has been 17 weeks since we welcomed Eleni into the world, time is flying by!! Eleni now loves to sit up all of the time although she still needs something behind her back to prop her up. She is trying very hard to sit up on her own, if I had to guess I would say just a couple more weeks until she will be able to on her own. Eleni loves to lay on her changing table. She must think this means it is time to play! She pumps her legs, flails her arms, smiles, and giggles like crazy! It is toooooo cute! This week Eleni also watched her first Baby Einstein DVD I think she was mildly amused. Mildly amused = Completely entertained happy baby for about 5 minutes. ;) We are still having issues getting Eleni to nap in her crib during the day. She just will not do it!! If there are any Moms/Dads out there with any napping tips please send them our way. :)

Eleni is going on a mini vacation this weekend. She will be spending the next 2 nights with Nana B, Grandpa Ben, and Uncle Phil. Ari and I are heading to Palm Springs for some relaxation, sun, and celebration. We have been married for 3 AMAZING years!

Here are some pictures I snapped from this past week. HAPPY FRIDAY!!! XOXO

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