Saturday, August 29, 2009

19 Weeks. I love surprises!!!

What an amazing week it has been. We have been busy and that is partially why this post in one day late. Well that and the fact that I was WAY to tired to post it yesterday.

Last Saturday, we woke up and Ari said "I have a surprise for you today. We are going to go out and do something fun but you have to be ready to walk out the door by 10:30 on the dot." Me being super excited popped right out of bed and got ready as fast as my body would let me move. It was just about 10:30 and I was ready so I took Eleni into her room to get her changed and ready for the day. I started changing her when all of sudden I heard a familiar voice in the door way of her room say "HELLLLLOOOOO!!!!". I looked up and immediately started crying (yeah I know I am a baby, everything makes me cry). It was Holly!!!! Holly is one of my best friends and very favorite people. Side note, Holly abandoned me to move back to her home state of Texas a while ago and it had been quite a while since I had last seen her! (Sorry Holly, that last sentence was meant to make you feel guilty) ;) The extra bonus of this surprise was that my other good friend Kelly was standing there with her! Oh my goodness at this point my heart was overflowing with joy and excitement. I had been missing my girls so much and was so happy to see them. What a PERFECT surprise!! We rounded up the rest of the troops, i.e., Christina and Jane. The reunion was now complete! We spent the whole weekend catching up, drinking wine, eating yummy food, and laughing. This was just the little reboot that I needed!

Now for a little Eleni update! She really is becoming such a big girl! She is playing and interacting with us all of the time. She is laughing and LOVES and I mean LOVES to suck on everything including her own feet! LOL! She is extremely close to rolling completely over, back to front all on her own. Oh and a little miracle, she actually sat in her swing for 1 whole hour the other day keeping herself entertained. Baby steps people! Her sleep pattern is still not back to normal. She is waking up 2+ times a night, which is leaving me in less than stellar condition. It is so funny how much life changes, I now dream and think about a good nights sleep all of the time. Like real, uninterrupted, me not worrying all night long sleep!!! Awwwww the good old days! Don't think I will be experiencing that anytime soon. Anyhow, enough of my rambling. Here are some pics I snapped from this past week. HAPPY WEEKEND!!! XOXO

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 045_CLR

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 076_CLR

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 010_BW

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 016

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 095_CLR_B

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 373

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 368_B

08-24-2009 19  Weeks 357

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