Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Three Years Of Wonderful Memories!!

Three years ago today Ari and I had the most unbelievable wedding and became husband and wife!!! Happy anniversary baby!! I can not believe how quickly it has gone by. It has been an amazing 3 years filled with an uncountable number of wonderful and life changing memories. I feel so blessed to have found a best friend and partner for life. I look forward to the future with a warm feeling in my heart and excitement that grows every day. I am so thankful for my husband that provides for our family, fills my heart with laughter, and gave me the most precious gift of all...Eleni!!! :)

Okay okay, enough of the mushy gushy love stuff!! Today's pictures are not from this past week but from our wedding day. As I get more and more interested in photography and I look back at our wedding photos I am more thankful than ever that we had such an amazing photographer! She really captured our day just as I remember it in my mind--perfect! Here are a bunch of my favorite pictures from our wedding. Sorry if the quality of the pictures are not the best, our photographer only shot in film so these are all scanned images. Happy Wednesday!! XOXO


Anonymous said...

I love you Marisa! Happy Anniversary. Love, Ari

Stephanie said...

Happy three years!! <3 Uncle S