Friday, August 21, 2009

18 Weeks Old has been a little bit of a rough week to say the least. I think Eleni might be going through the "4 month wakeful period". Anyone out there have experience with this? From what I have read there is really nothing you can do but ride it out. She went from being an amazing night time sleeper to fighting sleep for a couple hours before she will go down. Then once she is down she is waking up multiple times through out the night. Ugh it is really hard to adjust to no sleep again!!! I pray this does not last long and that our rockstar night time sleeper soon returns. :)

In other news, Eleni tried her first baby rice cereal this week. She is definitely not a fan! It is so funny to watch her face as I spoon it in her mouth. There is a split a second when it first goes in that I think she might be enjoying it and then BAM! it all comes right back out! ;) No worries, her doctor warned me of this and said that if she is not taking to it to try baby oatmeal cereal.

Here are a few pictures that I snapped from this past week, hope everyone has a nice weekend!!! XOXO

08-19-2009 18 Weeks 035_B

08-10-2009 PS 18 Weeks 050

08-19-2009 18 Weeks 218_h

08-10-2009 PS 18 Weeks 009

08-19-2009 18 Weeks 341

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